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I hurriedly went to Yoongi's office but he was not there. I tried asking his co-workers about his whereabouts but they don't know.

"Where the heck are they?" I asked talking to myself. I've been running circles here and I haven't found them. Why does this headquarters' huge?

"Y/N?" I heard someone called my name. I halt hearing that voice. His voice can melt a girl's heart. A sweet and smooth voice. I turned around and came face to face with the one and only

"Jimin" I smiled and he did the same.  Oh my gosh, his eye smile is so cute and it's killing me. I controlled myself from squealing like a fangirl.

"What are you doing here? Looking for Yoongi Hyung?" he asked and I nodded.

"I've been calling him but he didn't pick up, I asked your co-workers but they haven't seen him," I told him. Gosh just looking at him and his cute mochi cheeks melts my heart.

His little gestures like putting his thumb and index finger on his chin while thinking, tilting his head a little bit argh!!! how can a sweet little cute mochi angel is here on earth, I'm not complaining though, It's just that, it is illegal.

Jimin is my whole time crush. I met him when Yoongi went to my office one day with a bunch of reports regarding my parents' death. Jimin was just a trainee back then and he was under the supervision of Yoongi.

I remembered Yoongi not doing anything and just let my little mochi Jimin do the works. That cruel grandpa. But at least I get to know this angel.

"Y/N? are you listening?" I heard him said which brought me back to reality.

"What? come again? s-sorry I was spacing out, must be my tiredness" I answered while scratching my left cheek using my index finger. 

I heard him chuckled which makes me embarrassed and blush a little.

"I said he must be on our training ground on the basement, want me to accompany you?" he said with his sweet smile of his.

"Sure," I said rather cheerfully.  He just smiled and lead the way.

Being with this man's side makes my heart flutter.

Stop with your fantasies Y/N, focus, you should find those two idiots first. I scolded myself.

Wow, this headquarters is really big and wide. It's not that I've never been here before but every time I go here it overwhelmed me and I don't know why. We've been walking for I don't know how long.

"We are here" Jimin announced. We stood in front of a big blue door. You can say that it is the basement because it is the only and last door you can find in these secretive hallways. 

He pushed the door and entered, I followed behind him and was struck. the room is so spacious that it can accommodate a hundred people. The walls are painted in white and the black tiles are lying with their glory on the floor. There are some people practicing in this room.

I roamed my eyes and saw the two figures that I've been looking for. The surprising part is they are dueling. What the heck?!

A small group of people formed surrounding and cheering both of them.

"What's happening here?" I heard Jimin asked one of his co-workers.

"Ow, that?" his co-worker said pointing to the two idiots.

"They've been dueling for almost one hour and a half but they haven't stopped, some tough guys they are. Especially that man" His co-worker pointed at Taehyung.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now