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I felt my body becoming weaker and weaker. I can feel the hard ground welcoming my limp body. My vision is getting blurry and my eyes are starting to close. I can hear the sirens. All I could do was lay down.

Before I lose my consciousness I heard a voice calling out for me. I tried to look at the owner of the voice but my body didn't permit me. All I could see is the bright moon and the stars surrounding it.



"Taehyung-ah let's go out" I suggest and brush the invisible dust on my pencil skirt.

He stared at me. Curiosity filled his face. "Where?" He asked.

"Park? Sidewalk? Or anywhere" I said while reaching out for my phone and wallet.

"Amusement park?" He suggested.

"Sounds good," I said.

We went to the amusement park and tried the different rides. I was scared. I think I discover one of my weaknesses. On the other side, Taehyung really enjoyed it because he won't stop teasing me about how I cried the whole roller-coaster ride.

I wonder how people enjoyed that hell ride. It was scary and I won't ever ride it again. EVER.

"Taehyung-ssi are you not tire yet?" I asked. He showed me a bright smile and answered in a cheerful tone. 

"I am having lots of fun," he looked just like a kid. I sighed as my declaration of defeat. Since he is having fun, maybe I can put up in it a little more. I am the one who suggested this in the first place.

"But are you sure this is fine? Won't your works be delayed if you waste your time like this?" 

I froze on my spot remembering my paper works. If it was Namjoon he would probably scold me but this time, it is Taehyung so it will be fine. I guess so?

"You do not have to worry about that, sometimes we need a breather," 

"Well you do not sound convincing," he stares at me with a hint of doubt and I just sweat a bullet because he hit the nail.

He sighed, "Maybe we should go back," He suggested however his disappointment could not be hidden by his poker face facade. He took a quick glance at the rides and held himself. 

Did he want to ride them so much huh?

"Taehyung-ssi, are you having a lot of fun?" I asked and grin. He looked confused at first but still nodded. "Didn't  I answer that question earlier?" he said as a matter of fact.

"Then that's all that matters, let us go!" I said and dragged him on the rides nearest to us.

The most important thing is to have fun. Seeing him smile is one of my goals from now on.

"Boss, I think we can call it a day," Taehyung said. We sat on one of the benches near the gate of the amusement park. The sky was getting darker

"Let's go back then," I said and started walking.

"Not going to call the driver to fetch us?" Taehyung asked. I look at him.

"Nah. I prefer to walk. Don't be lazy come on" I said and smiled at him. He just sighs but agreed anyways.

The streets were very busy again. Maybe because it is the weekend today. The cars passing by and the people walking on the sidewalk just like us. I always wish for this normal life. Just walking and enjoying your moment. You don't have a company to worry about. Killers to worry about.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now