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"What did you just said?" I asked confused.

" Let's have a deal," He said. I can't tell if he's kidding or what cause I can't see his face.

"Who the heck would make a deal with their abductor, who knows, you might kill me when I'm not looking" I said. I pushed him to set some distance between us. He put his hands in his pocket, so I started talking.

"I can do anything except from killing" 

"Are you not a killer?" I ask. 

"Trust is hard to give but we have the same goal, Imma hunt that bastard who doesn't know how to follow a deal, and you want to find him to possibly kill him or whatever you want with him" He answered.

"I can find him on my own," I said refusing his offer. "Now let me out of here so I can start my adventure finding that person" I said standing up and brushing the invisible dust from my dress. 

"No one know my appearance aside from my trusted friends and those I abducted before" he started again which peaks my interest

"People, you abducted?" I asked in suspicion. Why would he reveal his appearance, isn't it dangerous because they might find him, or else he killed them after he revealed his identity.

"You might be thinking why I do that. Easy to gain their trust and to bargain"

"Bargain?" I ask confused. "Enough about me, if you want I can reveal my face in front of you also" he said and started undoing his mask. I felt mixed emotions while waiting for that damn mask to be removed.

I've been curious to what he looks like. I'm guessing he is still in his 20's but his voice gives me another idea of him being in his 30's. Once the mask was removed my mouth gaped.


"O my gosh" the only words that left my mouth.

"Close your mouth before you catch a fly" he said while smirking. Even his voice become dangerously handsome, like some kind of melody. He chuckled at my reaction which brought me back to reality. I composed myself. I'm so embarrassed that I was trance by his looks and voice. I felt my cheeks heat up so I shook my head.

'Focus Y/N you need to get out of here' I scolded my self.

"Just let me out here, I wont hunt you down or even consider that we met each other, mark my words" I said firmly, hopefully it will convince him.

He shake his head. "No, how I can be sure that you won't do that?" 

"And how I can be sure that you won't kill me?" I questioned him also.

"Because I'm not a killer" he said.

"But you kidnap me, and perhaps if that boss of you gave the money to you already, you will kill me right?" I said looking at him but he shook his head.

"My job is to abduct not to kill. I just set a plan so that my victim won't come back. But I didn't ever do killed a person" he said, this time seriousness can be heard from his deep voice.

"Why are you desperate to have a deal with me?" I questioned him. He's been trying to convince me, what's his goal? "If money is what you want I can give it to you, higher than what they offered" I added

"Actually I don't need the money" he confessed which made his intention ambiguous.

"So what do you want?"

"I want to live again" he said.

I want to live again. The voice echoes in my mind. The things that I don't want to remember came flashing back. Those hurtful memories that I thought I buried already. I sighed and massaged my temple. This is getting complicated and hilarious. This man is out of his mind.

"And if I'm a killer I already killed you right here right now because you are useless anymore" He said which made a point. 

He became silent. 

"Aren't you alive and kicking" I said.

"Is this what you call living?" He asked. The disappointment was visible on his face.

For some reason, his words caught me off guard. How lonely this person? Can his life possibly more miserable than me?

I stared at him and he did the same. I can feel something from his eyes. Something or more like saying to help him. ugh! I lost it, this is why I hate myself. I can't bear this kind of situation and this kind of person. I'm vulnerable in this kind of set up.

"I don't agree with your terms, instead of a deal, Just help me. No one knows who you are right? smart ass" I started. He just smiled. A genuine smile that caught me off guard.  Maybe because I sympathize him. Yeah because of that. And he may have led to where that killer of mine hiding.

I can just send him to Yoongi for training purposes. No one needs to find out that this person abducted me. I love to live dangerously. Well, except for my friends. I mean I can't lie to them and I know that I can't hide it from them.

"To be fair, I will make you my personal guard for three months and you will help me on tracking down my true killer, after that I will help you live the life that you are hoping for that's what I promise" I said. 

"What if we couldn't track him for three  months" He said as if challenging me to answer his question.

"We can, you are a smart ass, you are talented, mark my words." I seriously said not breaking a contact. "You locked me in this almost empty place and barge in my secretary's wedding which has the highest security and surveillance"

"And I know you can't kill me because you can't kill. You wont kill, because you said so. I will trust your words." I said softly.  I walked towards him and pat his head softly.

"I'm not that weak you know. I wouldn't survive in this field if I have my tail tucked between my legs"

He just looked at me with wide eyes then turned into a soft gaze.

"I don't break promises" 

When those words left my mouth, I know I messed up.

"You trust other people so easily," he remarked so I stopped on my track and looked at him with a smile on my face, smile yet firm and cold.

"Trust? Who said I trust you? I'm giving you an opportunity" with that, he became silent but soon broke into a bit of laughter. 

I just scoffed at his reaction. Soon he stopped and said, "You're interesting. Damn, you exceeded my expectations."

"Well, I'm glad that I serve as a little bit of entertainment to you" I smiled and leaned on the door frame. "So, is it a deal?" I asked and he put his hands on his pocket as he said his response. "Sure, it's not bad. I think I'll encounter something more interesting if I'm with you."


MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now