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"That's why I told you it's dangerous and you still persisted it!"

We are all looking down on the floor while sitting on our knees. Namjoon started his long scolding once we are back in his house and I swear my ears are already bleeding but I couldn't blame him though.

"Taehyung! The password changed? What if you didn't figure it on time and worse Y/N got killed," Taehyung wants to defend himself but stay quiet because he doesn't want to anger Namjoon anymore.

"Yoongi hyung! You are the eldest in the group. You should know what's good and what's wrong. What if your plan didn't work out? Not only your safety is at risk but your work as well, didn't you think about that?"

"Lastly you!" He pointed at Jimin who's smiling apologetically at him. "I told you to stop them didn't I?" He glared at him.

"I-I did b-but they insisted"

Jimin pointed at Yoongi.

"It's not me it's him" Yoongi pointed at Taehyung.

"Why me? It's Boss' idea," Then Taehyung put all the blame on me.

I was dumbfounded at their sudden betrayal.

"You traitors," I mumbled and glared at them.

"You never listen Y/N. I already told you that we still need to fully plan it out. We can't just charge in the lion's territory just with us. We need to be fully prepared" He shook his head because of disappointment.

"The saddest thing is that you guys didn't tell me. I was worried sick. I was about to call the police-" "no need to call the police. What are we kids?" Yoongi butted in but Namjoon just glared at him.

"After what you guys did? Yeah, sure you are not. Stop butting in Hyung when I'm talking, that's if you still value that tongue of yours," Namjoon threatened him. Yoongi closed his mouth and covered it with his hands as if protecting it from harm that might cause by the god of destruction.

"I'm sorry," I said and quickly bow down. "I will never do that again. It's just that I want to save the company and I want to find some answers. I'm sorry I was being selfish not considering your opinion. I'm truly sorry" I apologized sincerely.

"We are sorry," I heard the boys and they did the same. The room fell silent for a moment.

"You know you can just sit on the couch and stop bowing right?" We all look at him and smiled because that means he forgave us.

"No one saw or followed you right?" he asked.

"Yep. 100% sure that no one followed us here" Yoongi reassured.

"By the way, do you guys think that he will tell the media that Y/N is already awake," Jimin asked.

"I doubt that. If he did the chance of him losing the company will increase. The board of directors only agreed because of Y/N's parents Will. If Y/N is back then his temporary term is over" Namjoon explained.

"He is probably setting a plan on where to find you and how to kill you," Taehyung commented.

"Given the situation right now, he was probably forming a search team," Yoongi said and smirked.

"You seem so happy" I look at him with a hint of suspicion.

"Well given the evidence that we have we might close Mr. Ong's case. My superiors were having a hard time investigating his case but now I think it will end. I think Yoongi Hyung was really happy cause one of the cases will be solved" Jimin explained. I just nodded.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now