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"So Y/N? Care to explain this?" Yoongi Oppa asked me while waving a ball pen recorder. I think I don't need to explain its function right? I'm back at Namjoon Oppa's place. I gave them a good one hour to talk.

I guess my plan didn't work. As I returned, I saw them sitting silently while staring at me. The atmosphere is intense which made me sweat a bullet. I regret leaving it there. I should have brought it with me. Just when I thought that I wouldn't pry in their matters. Argh! my damn self is really stupid. I bet they are upset now.

"Well it's just that, I'm really curious about what happened between you guys. I know it's inappropriate and-and I'M REALLY SORRY!!" I tried to reason out but I failed. Yeah, of course, they know that it is just an excuse. What I did is wrong.

Well, my plan is to let them have a nice talk so they can make up and so we can perform our plan well. It's originally for Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung but I noticed how Jimin was so agitated about Taehyung's presence so I added him to my plan but I think my cover was blow up.

How did they find that the ball pen was a recorder?

"It's nothing to be worked up for. It's between us, but you can assure that it is nothing big" Namjoon Oppa said and smiled. Well, bullshit! I'm not gonna fall for that dimples. I know something happened and that recorder is the key. I gave him a suspicious look.

"Anyways where did you get this important tool," Jimin asked and examined the pen. "This is used for special missions only, did you give it to her hyung?" He looked at Yoongi Oppa with a questioning look.

"Not that I remembered" Yoongi Oppa shrug.

"You meddled with my things didn't you Y/N?" Taehyung suddenly spoke and look at me suspiciously.

I fidgeted the hem of my shirt and look down. So much for acting not guilty. It's not that I meddled with his things it's just that when he left the hospital (pertaining to when Namjoon visited her in the hospital and Taehyung left) his bag was lying, defenseless, on the chair. Well, I'm a curious cat so I just look at what is inside and I found that recorder haha.

"Well, how did you find out?" I asked carefully not to upset them even more.

"Who will not notice their things? And here I thought I lost it somewhere but found it here on the couch wondering how it ended up here in this place" Taehyung said. Even if I'm not looking at him I can feel his intense glare. Why did I even put it on the couch? So much for trying to pry secretly.

"I'm really sorry okay?" I apologized. I clasped my hands together and close my eyes tight. This is how I act whenever I'm sorry. Now I feel really guilty. It's not really my business to begin with. I'm such an idiot.

"Do you really want to know?" Jimin suddenly asked and I look at him.

"Yah! Jam less boy what are you doing, she will always stick to those opportunities to get what she wants that's her nature. She's like a leech" Yoongi Oppa said with an exaggeration on his voice. I got pissed so with force, I threw the mini pillow at him and it directly hits his face.

"That hurts!" He shouted at me. "Well don't call me a leech you grandpa face!" I spat back.

I cleared my throat and begin speaking.

"It's not my business to begin with. I'm not gonna meddle with it anymore until you tell me willingly. I promise" I look at them and they all avoided my gaze. I just sighed and sat on the couch.

"Well it's nothing to be worried about Y/N," Namjoon Oppa said reassuringly. This time I gave in and give it a rest. They won't tell anything after all.

"Well, Taehyung here was my childhood friend right Tae?" Jimin suddenly confessed and went to Taehyung's side and slung his arms around his shoulder.

"Really?" I cannot believe that. The world is so small after all.

"Seeing him now makes me happy. After all, he disappeared suddenly haha" Jimin said. There was a hint of sadness in his voice but was shadowed by his bright smile.

"So that's why you were like that earlier, but why didn't you spoke to him last time when he went in your headquarters with Yoongi hyung?" I asked.

"Oh, that? I was surprised but now we do meet up, sometimes. We are busy after all" He looks at Taehyung still smiling. Taehyung just looks at him with an annoyed expression.

"Get off me Jiminie-pabo. You are heavy" He suddenly said and shrug Jimin off of him. Jimin just chuckled in response.

"Well that name brings back memories," Jimin said. He secretly stole a glance at Namjoon and Yoongi Oppa but I notice it. I have hawk eyes if you didn't know.

"Whatever. Alien! Do you have a moment?" Yoongi Oppa looks at Taehyung and he looked at him with an annoyed expression. I saw Yoongi Oppa smirk knowing that the name pissed Taehyung off.

"I have a name Yoongi Hyung,"

I smiled at the sight. I think everything is going back to normal.

I saw the pen recorder on the mini table set. I was about to reach for the pen but Namjoon Oppa beat me to it. I look at him and he smirked.

"I'm giving it to you because I trust you and your words. Don't disappoint me" He said. His eyes were serious but then suddenly he smiled. I sigh and smiled back.

"You can trust me,"

I turned and looked at Yoongi Oppa who was currently handling two children. When I said children, I was pertaining to Jimin and Taehyung who keep teasing and bothering Yoongi grandpa. I and Namjoon Oppa chuckled at the sight.

Looking at them feels like they've known each other for so long. They're like brothers that just reunited. Well, Jimin and Taehyung are friends in the first place.

"So when are we going to start our plan?" Namjoon Oppa asked me.

"Do you think I can meet uncle later at night? I have something to clear up about my parents' will and testaments" I look at Namjoon Oppa and he just nodded.

"Taehyung, did you confirm it?" I asked him and he gives me a thumbs up.

"I knew it" Now my assumptions are in place. Now I just need one more thing.

"I think Tomorrow night will be a hell of drama," I said and smirked. They all look at me with a mix of terrified and confused expressions on their faces.

When they told me that sometimes I become a whole different person. I always do. I think tomorrow will be fun.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now