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I woke up hearing a soft voice. I rub my sleepy eyes and look at the owner of the voice. I look behind me and I saw a smiling Jimin sitting on the right side of the bed. I remember crying while being hugged by Taehyung then I fall asleep.

"Did you sleep well?"

"It makes me feel a lot better" I answered while sitting up. I roamed my eyes but I didn't see him. I wonder where he went.

"Looking for Taehyungie?" Jimin suddenly asked which made me flustered.

"W-What are you talking about? I-its no- I-I mean no I'm not" I stuttered which made him chuckled. I just pouted and look away so he won't see my blushing face.

"Although I want you to rest more we need to move now," Jimin said which made me curious. I look at my phone beside my pillow and realize that it is already morning.

"It's today" I mumbled and sigh. I'm still not physically prepared. I notice my hands slightly trembling and I'm starting to get nervous also.

"Don't worry Y/N we're here for you" Jimin smiled while holding my trembling hands.

"Where are the others?"

"They are in their own room preparing. Here are your clothes" He handed me a paper bag. I look at it and it is an office suite. I look at him confused.

"We will explain everything later. For now, change with that and go to the living room after" Jimin instructed and started walking out of the room. He closes the door and I was left alone looking at the clothes that he gave me.

I started preparing. I took a warm bath then put on the clothes.

When I pick up the suit it was a little bit heavy.

"What's with this?" I was confused but put it on anyway. The coat is normal though, it's just the black long sleeve. And why is it color black by the way?

I look at the mirror and examine myself. This black long sleeve is bugging me.

I walk out of the room and headed to the living room there I saw them. All of them are wearing black long sleeves and black military-designed pants. Black gloves and an earpiece.

Did I tell you that they all look so good? It all suits them. The first one to notice me was Yoongi.

"Looks like you are ready" He smirked and looked at me from head to toe then whistle.

"Stop it's disgusting perverted grandpa," I told him with a disgusted face.

"I just complimented you," He said smirking. I notice Taehyung walking out of the living room.

"Stop teasing her Hyung, Y/N come here I will explain everything," Namjoon said and instructed me to sit beside him. I did what he told me. He also told me the plans and the code. I felt a tinge of relief and sadness. I wonder why my uncle killed my parents? I feel even worse just thinking about him.

After a long explanation and instructions, I finally speak.

"So this black long sleeve that I'm wearing is bulletproof"

"That's right it's for your safety"

"I'm curious about something though"

"What is it Y/N?" Namjoon asked. I look at Taehyung who just seated across us drinking his glass of water.

"How come my clothes fit me so well? Who brought these and how did they know my size. Even the size of my undergarments" No need to be embarrassed about these question. For me, I'm already comfortable with these guys that this kind of question is casual for me.

I notice Taehyung looking away still drinking his supposed glass filled with water.

"Stop pretending to drink, that glass is already empty" I pointed out.

"I didn't notice I will refill it," he said and stand up immediately planning to escape the situation.

"It doesn't matter somehow I know that it was you" I confessed. He sat down and scratch the back of his neck.

"How did you know?"

I cross my legs and while leaning on the couch

"You know everything about me right?" with a smirk I look at him in the eye.

He smirked as well. "So that's how you will play," He remarked.

"I'm confident that we will make it through. We will save Fella corp. and avenge your mother and my parents. We will fight and win" I said and they all nodded. I smiled feeling that confidence is surging in my body.

We won't lose to my uncle.

"Just to be sure, Y/N you still remember what I told you in this case of emergencies right?" Yoongi asked and I nodded. 

"Don't panic and always be on guard, two steps ahead of your opponent, and do not underestimate them as well as overestimate yourself," I recited, he just nodded.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now