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"Y/N hurry watch this!"

Namjoon shouted from the living room which shocks me. I almost spit out the water that I'm currently drinking.

"Why are you shouting?!" I said annoyed.

"Just watch this, it's about your company" he motioned on the television and I look in interest and sat on the couch.

"This morning Mr. Ong the new CEO of the most famous clothing line Fella has announced to reconstruct the policies and regulations of the company. Moreover, all the employees are said to take an evaluation test and those who failed or didn't meet his expectation will force to resign. A protest is thrown over by the employees but the new CEO persists the new regulations. It was said that he is trying a new formula where all the newly elected employees will really focus on their work and develop their skills more. Phones and gadgets are not allowed inside the company during their work hours"

He is getting it.

"I think he is planning to build new policies so he can fully take over the company," Namjoon said and look at me.

"He is provoking me. He is planning to make me come out of my hideout. He's using the company as a decoy. Most importantly my employees. They are having a hard time because of me" I can't help but worry about them. I need to save them. I need to save the company.

"Well not surprised" Taehyung suddenly speak. We both look at him with shocked expressions.

"When did you come here?" Namjoon asked.

"The moment you switched on the television. I'm hurt, you didn't notice me at all" He said dramatically and fake cry.

"Stop, you look ugly," I told him and he stopped. "What are you gonna do boss? He is targeting your company. Moreover, I think he is planning to eradicate the employees who don't obey his orders. If he wants full control, he needs to remove the pest and implant new ones that he can use of" Taehyung explained. I just nodded because he was right. If I won't hurry things, the employees might get fired. Especially some of the employees are scholars.

"Wait how about those employees that have privilege cards?" I asked in a panic. Namjoon's eyes get wide.

"You are right! What will happen?" he said also. I look at him and I know that he's thinking the same thing as I am.

"Privilege card? What is that?" Taehyung asked.

"Privilege cards are like scholarships. Some of the employees come from very poor families. But they are skilled workers specifically choose by Y/N. They live from different regions here in Korea. They are given a privilege card wherein the company will sustain their expenses while they are working here, but it only lasts for two years. After that, the privileged need to pay their expenses on their own. It will be easy because they are already permanent and they can already support themselves and their family." I explained and Taehyung just nodded.

"I thought scholarships can only be grab when you are a student. I thought wrong" He said and chuckled. I did also.

"Y/N was the one who came up with this idea and I think it's really beneficial. We discover skillful workers as well as we help them with their financial issues" Namjoon told him proudly.

"Also add up the different partnership with different orphanage here in Korea" Yoongi suddenly pop out of nowhere. He sits beside me and smirks.

"Yeah about that also," I said and sigh.

"With Ong's new policies. The privileged card and the partnerships might be canceled" I'm worried that it might happen. If that's the case I need to hurry and plan things. I was about to say something when suddenly we heard Jimin's voice.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now