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It's past midnight but I can't seem to fall asleep. With all these things happening how can a person sleep?!

Instead of debating mentally, I just went to the kitchen to drink some water. It might help me sleep. I notice that the lights in the kitchen were turned on. Must be Yoongi Hyung. I went in and my guess was right.

"You're still working?" I asked while pouring some water into my glass. He just nodded.

I put the pitcher back to the refrigerator and lean on the counter.

"You've been searching and working this past few hours, just rest for a bit Hyung. It's not good for your health" I said with concern.

"Tsk. I'm not that old yet. I can handle these things. I'm almost done, after all, I'll sleep after I finish this" He said without looking at me and focusing on his work. I just sighed. There's no use in persuading him after all. He somehow resembles Y/N.

"Y/N's case will be solved. I'm sure of that. Just a little more, then we can arrest the criminal. This time he looks at me in the eyes. His eyes are full of determination.

"Yeah yeah, do your best then. Just call me if you need anything" I said. I was about to exit the kitchen when Yoongi hyung called me.

"Is there a problem Hyung?"

"I was just wondering, did you notice something odd about the diary?" he asked. I tried to think of anything suspicious about the diary. Now that I remembered.

"When Y/N asked me to search in their mansion I found her mother's diary in a box inside a hidden basement. It's in her room. I didn't even know it opened. What I know is that I broke the handle of her cabinet then a door appeared," I tried to explain everything that happened while I'm searching.

"And you found the diary?" He asked and nodded.

"It's inside a box actually but the box was so old that when I touch it, it crumbles on the floor that's when I saw the diary. I hurriedly went back to Y/N after that," I added. 

"There are no maids?" He shook his head as a response to my question. "The head maid is the only one who remained in the mansion, but she never entered their rooms as per Y/N's order," he explained. 

"Hidden basement and the diary?" He mumbled while thinking deeply. "Does Y/N know this?" He looked at me waiting for an answer.

"She said that she doesn't have any knowledge about the hidden basement. I asked her that time that it's better for her to check it herself but she refused," I also wonder why she doesn't want to go back to their mansion. Although she hired a maid to clean it. She never visited it after inheriting the company. She never did.

"She doesn't want to go back that's why she asked you" I nodded at what Yoongi Hyung said.

"How about the diary itself. Did you notice anything?"

"Hmm. Nothing much. I didn't read the contents because it will be insensitive of me. But I notice that the dates are in bold letters except for the last date. Also, the last date that contains her mother's last notes" Now that I think of it. That was odd. Why would only those dates be not in bold letters?

"Do you still remember the date?" He asked and I answered him. "From what I remembered it was the thirteenth of august and it doesn't have a year" he just nodded and started typing on his laptop.

"Okay that's all," he said. "You can go out now," He said and gestured me to go out.

"At least say thanks," I said and frown. He just shrugs and smirks.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now