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Hello fellas. If this is a little bit confusing, just ask so I can answer that and ease your confusion haha. Cause I as well is confused. 

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"The police didn't investigate clearly, they didn't saw the difference between your son's penmanship and yours," I remarked. Well, it's true. They are careless, or they are bribed.

He's not moving at all, his mouth was agape, His guards are also dumbfounded. Looks like this will be a long night.

"My parents' testament is solved and your son's death case was solved also. Oh, there is another one,"

I scattered a pile of pictures and documents on my table. Mr. Ong was shocked his eyes were wide. He was clenching his fist and his ears are getting red from anger.

"Nice partnership with drug dealers huh. Unfortunately, you got scammed and almost bankrupt from your stupid business" I smiled looking at the photos. When I turned around to look at him I showed him a smirk which provoked him.

"I wonder what will happen if I send this to my friends. You know the one who is in the crime department,"

"Don't you dare," he said and hissed.

"Oh! and the testament was made just to convince you so that you will stop bothering my mother. They kept it away from you and you don't know where it is, only to find out that it was kept by Mr. Kim so you planned it really well huh. You made a copy and send it to that friend of yours, Ms. Song your mistress,"

I waved a picture of them secretly going out and making out. I almost gag because of these pictures.

"Where did you get all of this?" he asked.

"From a grandpa," I proudly said.


"I hired a private investigator to investigate my family background and those I'm affiliated with, you know killers are coming out for my head. They really want me out of this business world. Surprisingly you are one of them. I was suspicious of you so I ordered him to stalk you and this is what I've found out. Actually, he's been investigating you but you are a sneaky type of person so it's hard for them" I giggled remembering Yoongi Oppa's face when he was whining about handling this case.

"You are so influential, UNCLE," I said emphasizing the word uncle.

He gritted his teeth and cursed at me.

"Your mother is just a piece of shit. And your father is such a nuisance, gladly someone took care of them and I don't need to bother myself on how I will eradicate them. That left you. If that sister of mine is gone then all the possession of our parents will be mine but that stupid girl left all the wealth to you. Don't you know how much wealth you possess? That's why they want you, that's why they are going near you because of those. Not because of you. But because of money." Mr. Ong said.

"I thought I hit you hard with my car but it didn't. Tsk." He added.

"So you are the one who's behind that" now I was beyond angry. For everything. For everything, he has done. He hurt many people. Deceived, used, and killed many innocent people. And now he is confessing it with a smile on his face like it's a natural thing for him.

"All I want is wealth after all. If I have money, I will have everything. But your mother? That stupid sister of mine is dumb. She doesn't know what she has. I told her that at least give me a share. She did but she gave it to my son, not me. And that stupid son of me won't hand me this damn company and his share. He deserved it cause he was selfish. Keeping all the wealth for himself," he ranted like a psycho.

"Told you that Ong is a psycho" Yoongi Oppa commented and I heard the others hushed him down.

His guards are looking at him weirdly. They back away from him.

"But don't worry Y/N-ssi, you won't end up like them if you cooperate with me, so hand me all your evidence and let's just keep this as a secret. Okay? We are family, right? We share and care for others" His smile was making me sick. I want to punch him right on his face.

"Y/N get away from there now" Taehyung ordered.

"Why? He is spilling out the information now" I cannot stop, he is giving answers now.

"He has a trigger. It's on his coat. His coat is not leveled"

I look at Mr. Ong's coat and Ttaehyung is right. The other side is longer as if it was carrying heavy stuff. Taehyung is right.

"I think Y/N it's enough. We got plenty of evidence. Retreat now" Yoongi Oppa instructed.

"I think I can't now," I told them. I know this will be difficult.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"I think they knew that I'm planning to escape. His midgets are already blocking the way and Mr. Ong was staring and smiling creepily at me. Is this the time that I should ask for help" I asked and sweated bullets.

"Who are you talking to, Y/N-ssi?" Mr. Ong asked with his creepy face.

If in combat, think I can handle them but if they have weapons I don't stand a chance, we are in a close space after all. I never thought Ong is a psycho.

"Stay alert, I'm coming" I heard Taehyung said. I calmed a little hearing his voice. I tried to put on my best poker face.

"Y/N if they start doing something, fight back and go to your private room. There's an escaped route there, like a secret passage, proceed just like what we planned" Taehyung instructed.

"When did I have that" "I made it, with the help of Yoongi Hyung. Details later your safety are the priority. Run there, I'll be waiting for you" Taehyung said.

This is why I hate secret missions.

I scanned my office. Keep calm Y/N you need to pass through this. Everyone was waiting.

"Y/N on my signal go to your room, I'll count up to 5," I nod even though they can't see me.

"1" Yoongi Oppa started counting. I calm myself down.

"So what is your answer Y/N?" He started walking towards me. I walk on the opposite though. I don't like to be near a psycho.

"2" "If possible avoid pissing him off," Jimin told me through the earpiece.

"We can have the wealth, with your fame and wealth, you can rule this world you know?' Mr. Ong said while imagining his own little stupid world of money.

"3" I kept backing away and purposely moving near the door of my private room. Glad it is still here.

"4" "don't be scared Y/N, here take my hand," he said reaching his hand out to me.

"As if I will hold that dirty hands of yours," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Don't be a bitch and cooperate will you!" He said, this time his face was red from anger.

"5" I was about to hold the knob but my back was blocked by one of his midgets.

This is bad. I think I have no choice but to do this.

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