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"What is this?"

I turn the old diary upside down and flip the page back and forth but there is nothing written on it.

"However there's a date" I mumbled to myself. "Thirteenth of august? What year though?" I flip the other pages but it's just the same although with different dates.

"It stops on thirteenth of august also"

Now, this is really weird and mysterious. My mom sure loves mystery

I was startled when the door suddenly opens then came the three idiots.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" they all asked. The hilarious thing is that they all have the same facial expressions.

I laughed at their sudden outburst.

"Why are you laughing like a madwoman?" Yoongi asked. I tried to answer him but my daughter beats me.

"Y-You all a-are f-funny" I manage to say between my laughter

"Can you calm down Y/N and start explaining?" Jimin said and I did what he said.

I suddenly feel embarrassed because Jimin saw me laughing like an ugly duckling. I'm telling you I'm the ugliest woman in the world when I'm laughing.

"I'm just reading my mom's diary but when I flip to the other pages there's nothing written on them aside from the dates," I told them and they all went to my side and look at my mom's diary.

"Can I look at it Y/N?" Namjoon asked. I hesitated a bit. I think he senses that I'm hesitating to let him see the diary so he told me not to.

"It's fine, I mean it's a personal thing for you, sorry for being insensitive" he apologized.

"Nah you can see it. Here" I gave him the diary. He hesitates to accept it but I just nod my head reassuring him that it's fine.

"Y/N's right," He said while flipping the pages.

"Is this some kind of mystery or something?" Yoongi said.

"That's what I've been thinking" I look at him but he was also puzzled like me.

"Well, for now, let's rest and think of it tomorrow, maybe Tae has knowledge about this thing, you know cause he loves to crack codes and whatever a hacker does," Jimin said while looking at the diary.

"Hacker?" I look at him confuse, wrong move our faces were inches apart, one wrong move and we might accidentally kiss each other. I didn't know that he was near to me.

I blush and back away a little, Jimin notices it also so he backed away.

"S-Sorry," Jimin said and smiled apologetically.

"N-No it's fine haha, don't worry," I told him still blushing. Someone cleared their throat, I don't know who it was cause I'm still occupied by the fact that I almost kiss Jimin, my all-time crush!!!!

"He is good at hacking, He's a computer addict before and he loves to decode passwords for fun. He used to hack others' social media account whenever someone asked him back on our high school days" Jimin shared their story back when they are still in high school.

You can see a smile appearing on his face remembering those.

"You must be really close," I told him.

"We're like siblings from different parents" He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Enough chit-chatting kids, we need to rest," Yoongi said and started yawning while stretching. Now that I notice. I think someone is missing.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now