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"Look even her protected your life? She wasted it on a pathetic piece of trash like you!" They all laugh and mocked me but I can't react.


Why did she protect me?

I was on my way home when suddenly a group of students from my school drags me into this creepy abandoned alley.

They started hitting me and trash-talking. I couldn't care less though, I mean it always happens, too much that it became a routine for me.

Then suddenly out of nowhere she appeared but get beaten also.

One of the students kicks her unconscious body. Even though she's already bleeding they continued kicking her without mercy.

"Stop!" I shouted but I couldn't move my body because I'm already beaten enough to even move a finger. All I can do is watch them torture her on my behalf.

Suddenly she moves and slowly getting up. The bullies are shocked, she took it as an opportunity and launched onto one of them. They both fall on the floor after that she sits upon the enemy's body and continuously throws a punch.

"Shit! Hey, let her go!" They shouted and launched at her also. I just watch them beat her up again.

Although all she do was protect me. Although all she do was smile at me. Encourage me. I still can't do anything. I'm still a coward.

"Y-Y/N r-run" she manages to say.

"You're still talking huh?!" Someone asked in a pissed-off tone and hit her with a block of thick wood.

"Argh!" She shouted in pain. Blood came out from her mouth.

"P-Please s-stop!" I shouted once again.

They all stop what they are doing and glared at me.

"Huh? Did you say something useless rich girl?" The girl squatted on my level and forcefully grab a fistful of my hair. I winced in pain, tears started forming in my eyes because of the pain.

"Oh... Look she's already crying"

"Awww.. she's scared"

"Maybe she will start calling her mom or her dad"

"Now say "Dad! Mom! help me!" They all mocked me and insulted me.

"Oh I remembered, you don't have parents? Right orphan?"

My eyes widen. I feel angry. Not of them but because of myself. Why would I get angry at them when they are telling the truth? But it really hurts knowing that you don't have someone to greet you when you got home. Someone you can't spend the night. Someone that you can lean on.

Tears started flowing down my face. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Yeah, I'm pathetic right?" I said with a bitter smile. They all look confused.

"I'm pathetic that even at this age I still can't move on! Years have past but I'm still yearning for them! Hoping that when I wake up I will see them again smiling! I can feel their hugs again! I'm pathetic right? Wishing something that will never come true!" I shouted that my voice almost breaking

I'm pathetic.

I don't want to cry but I can't help it. It's just so painful.

"At least you admit it. I don't care about your life though. All we need is this" She showed me my wallet and smirked.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now