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So the time has come for us to disseminate our plan. I adjusted my janitor cap. I'm disguising myself as a janitor. My plan is to visit Ong but I want it to be surprised. If my employees saw my face then everything won't be a surprise anymore. It can even go downhill

"Y/N can you hear me?" I heard Yoongi Oppa's voice through my earpiece. They give me this thing that serves as our line of communication in case of emergency.

"Like what we've tackled, Ong is not just a businessman but they are involved in importing drugs here in Korea. Y/N be careful okay." He added.

"Don't worry grandpa, I'm prepared" I said. All I could hear is his steady breathing through the earpiece.

"It's already eight pm. He will be here a few minutes from his partnership meeting with Mr. Choi" I heard another voice and I'm guessing it's Jimin. Is it time to say this? I mean, Jimin's voice is really soothing in the ear. Like a melody.

I was about to fangirl again when I saw a black car halt in front of the entrance of my company. Three masculine men in suits came out then a small, fat and a bald old man came out also. I'm guessing that it was Mr. Ong, accompanied by his midgets.

"Mission start," I said, and I heard them say 'yes'

I went to my appointed place, which is to sneak in the company. With my cleaning tools and Janitor uniform and face mask, I went to the janitor's quarter. I made this quarter for the janitors to rest.

I observed the surroundings. Luckily it's the weekend so some of the employees went home early. It's easier to sneak in.

I went to the elevator. It was about to close when a hand stopped it, I look at the person and my eyes widen. It was Mr. Ong and his midget.

Mr. Ong observed me from head to toe. Did he see through my cover? Does he recognize me? He's been staring at me and I don't know why. Suddenly his expression turns into an impatient disgust.

"What are you doing there, get out!" He shouted and his midget drag me out. I heard Yoongi Oppa's voice through the earpiece asking me what's wrong but I can't answer him.

"I'm sorry" I quickly replied and bow down.

"Tsk. Stupid people who don't know their place" I heard him muttered. I look at him and he still has a disgusted expression on his face.

When the elevator close I let out the breath that I was holding in. I sighed one more time and cleared my mind.

"Y/N what happened?" This time I heard Jimin's voice.

"Nothing, just have a misfortunate encounter with Mr. Ong" I shrug.

"WHAT!" I heard Yoongi Oppa shouted which hurt my right ear where my ear piece was.

"Yah! Hyung! Stop shouting, it hurts like heck!" I heard Taehyung's reminded in irritation.

"Yeah Yoongi Hyung" Jimin agreed.

I cleared my throat and asked.

"Taehyung can you see his location right now?"

"Between 8th -10th floor"

"Can you make the elevator elevates faster than the one Mr. Ong's using right now?" I asked.

"Sure, I can adjust its speed a little bit, so you won't come out flying out of nowhere," He said and chuckled. I chuckled a little.

"It's a little dangerous though are you sure?" he asked. "Dangerous is my middle name" I answered, I heard him chuckled and unknowingly I smiled.

"Just do it," I commanded.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now