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We are all evacuated outside for safety purposes. The police and Yoongi's team took the lead and investigate further, also checking if there are any bombs left inside the building. Uncle Kim's body was brought at the Morgue.

Ambulance came as well as Fire fighters. Some employees are still missing and I'm getting worried. Reporters can be seen everywhere. Some tried to reach or talk to me but was stop immediately by Yoongi's team and I'm glad they did because I have no time with their shits right now.

"Boss, are you sure you are fine? You just woke up" Taehyung look at me with concern and I just nodded. 

"I can't just leave knowing that some of the employees are still missing"

"I know that but I think you should take a rest and leave it to us" Taehyung persuaded.

"That's right Y/N. Let us handle this. You've done enough" Jimin said joining the conversation.

"I'm fine. I'm the President of this company and this is all I can do. I won't do anything dangerous. I promise you guys. Just let me stay here until Yoongi Oppa guarantee that everyone is safe,"

They just sigh and gave up.

"Then stay beside me so I can guarantee that you won't make any stupid actions again" I frowned hearing Taehyungs statement but I just nodded.

"Well then. Taehyungie keep an eye on her, I'm going inside also" Jimin said then went inside. Taehyung ordered me to sit near the ambulance just in case that I will faint again. I just obliged because I don't want to start an unnecessary fight.

My mind is filled with worry. Thinking about the employees and their well-being.

"I hope they are safe" I muttered to myself.

"They will be. Lets' just pray that they are" Taehyung said. He is sitting beside me also waiting.

"I wonder about Namjoon Oppa. I wonder if he hates me now. After all, I'm the reason why Uncle Kim died" I said and my voice cracks a little bit. My tears are starting to form again. I bit my lips suppressing the tears to fall down but it wasn't enough to stop it.

"He is not. More importantly he must be worried about you right now. Are you really sure that you don't want to follow him at the morgue. You know they will cremate your uncle's body. It's the last time that you will see him" he said.

"I rather remember him when he was alive" I answered which is almost a whisper.

"I'm scared to talk to him" I added.

"As I told you, he's not blaming you" Taehyung insisted.

"How can you be so sure of that? How can he not blame me? The reason his father died, the cause of his family to break apart, the reason that he can no longer hold his father anymore!, I'm the reason" I shouted while crying. I can't stop the tears. I can't stop doubting. I can't stop being scared.

I look at Taehyung hoping that he knows the answer but he just looks at me with sympathy which made me cry more. I covered my face with my hands and cried in front of him.

I don't care if people are looking and watching us. I don't care about them. All I want is for everything to be alright again.

"Why does it have to be me?" I asked myself. After a minute I finally calm down. Taehyung handed me a tissue and I wipe my tears.

"Are you okay now?" he asked and I just nodded. He didn't dare to talk and I'm glad he didn't. All we can hear was the loud siren, cars honking, and the reporters reporting the incident. A lot of employees are also evacuated luckily no one was hurt.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now