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"What do you want?" I asked in a cold manner.

"I guess you already know who I am right?" He said.

"Who is that?" Namjoon asked.

I put it on speaker mode so everyone will hear the conversation.

"So you're with Namjoon," He said with a hint of amusement.

"No wonder I can't track him. I'm guessing that investigator and his right hand are with you as well"

"Just tell me what you want" my patience is not working and I know that any second I will snap.

"Is that how you talk to your uncle?"

"Oh I forgot that you are my uncle pardon me" I answered with sarcasm.

"Well, it's not important anymore. I will give you until tomorrow to go back here to Seoul. Privately and alone. If you don't comply the company will pay the price" he threatened.

"And everyone who has a connection with you. Even your friends' friends" He added and my eyes widen.

"Father please stop this" Namjoon said through gritted teeth.

"Father? The moment that you choose that bitch rather than your own father, I already abandoned you. You are nothing to me now. Might as well you die together with that bitch cousin of yours. You are just trash to me now. Might as well dispose of you"

"YOU JERK! How can you say that to your own son?" I screamed out of anger.

"You should be worried about yourself, not the others Y/N. Remember tomorrow. If you asked help from the authorities I won't waste a second to bomb the whole company. Come to the rooftop of fella's corp willingly and be killed or your employees and the company that you love so much become ashes before your eyes. You choose" He said and end the call.

I grip my phone hard preventing my anger. I can feel the tension in the car and I know we are thinking the same thing.

"We need to hurry" I clasped my hand and lean my forehead on it. What should I do? If I don't hurry everyone will die.

Fear suddenly consumed my body.

"Everyone will die because of me, what should I do?" I started panicking. I can't think clearly right now. I feel my body trembling.

"It's all my fault" I mumbled. Those are the only words that I can manage to let out. Nothing else.

She died because of me.

"It's your fault!" They shouted at me. Her parents gave me a disgusted look. Full of hatred nothing else.

"My daughter died because of you!" her father shouted and slap my right cheek. People rush over us and help me. Some held back her parents.

"You monster give me back my daughter!"

"You are a curse! You shouldn't have met our daughter"

"You killed her!!!!"

"It's all your fault Y/N!"

"Y/N!" my senses came back after hearing my name. Someone hold my hands but I didn't pay attention to that person. I also realize that the car halted and it is not moving.

"Look at me!" He shouted again and I flinch. I was forced to look at him and I saw Namjoon. With his eyes full of concern. The eyes that I look up to.

"Can you see me now? Can you hear me now?" He asked and I just nodded.

"Listen to me Y/N. You are not alone. Always remember that. We will make it through" He encouraged. I just nodded because that's all I can do in this situation.

He sighs and ordered Yoongi to continue driving.


Y/N doesn't look good and either the situation that we are in. Why did Taehyung leave us behind? He could have just waited for us and traveled together but no, he chooses to be an emotional alien and fly off alone. Tsk. He better has a plan when we arrived there or else I will break his neck.

"Yoongi hyung" Jimin started and I cut him off.

"I know you don't need to tell me," I said and started focusing on the road.

"Try to call Taehyung"

"I did but he didn't pick up" Jimin answered. Cursed that alien.

Silence filled the atmosphere. I don't even know they are still able to breathe because of our tight situation right now. Y/N's uncle is really a psycho. I've never liked him. The only thing that made us acquainted with each other was because he is Namjoons father other than that, nothing more to be concern about.

He is smart I'm gonna give him that. But what is his goal?

"In just an hour we will reach Daegu" I informed them and they all just nodded. I sigh and speed up.

I just hope that we'll meet Taehyung immediately.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now