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"Y/N, Yoongi hyung is calling"

Jimin shouted from the living room. I went out of my room and hurriedly went to the living room where he's at. I almost slip on the stairs luckily someone held my shoulders.

"Careful Boss,"

Once I heard his voice my body stiffen. I awkwardly fake cough.

"Y-Yeah. C-Clumsy. Hahaha. Thanks, Taehyung" I said without looking at him then ran to the living room.

I let out a sigh before sitting beside Jimin.

"She's here, I'll give it to her now," Jimin said and handed me his phone. I turn on the speaker so Jimin can hear our conversation also.

"Y/N?" I heard Namjoon's voice and I sigh in relief.

"I'm glad you guys are okay," I told him.

"Yeah, I thought I'm a goner earlier" He joked.

"He almost peed in his pants" Yoongi commented on the other side.

Jimin and I laugh.

"That's not funny Yoongi Hyung," Namjoon said in an annoyed tone. I can tell that Yoongi is smirking right now.

"So what happened?" Jimin asked.

"Well, Ong almost lost his shits when he saw me with Yoongi Hyung. He asked me where you are. He also pointed his gun at me then Yoongi hyung went to my front to defend me. He even glared at Ong and curse at him. I thought we are really a goner at that time. We are outnumbered after all" Namjoon explained. We just nodded even though we know that they can't see us.

"I just told him to fuck off. I didn't even do anything to trigger him. And he's the one who pointed his gun first being a good Hyung I protected you" Yoongi added.

"Yeah, you didn't trigger him but you angered him. Can't you see him clenching his jaw" Namjoon said. I can imagine his scared and worried face.

"Well, at least he didn't kill us" Yoongi commented.

"What else did he do?" I asked them.

"Well, he said this to pass his message to you. 'Make sure to hide carefully because once I find you you're dead" Yoongi said.

"What else?" I asked again.

"You are not bothered by it Y/N?" Namjoon asked. "I'm immune to that kind of line" I answered and shrugged.

"He didn't hurt you guys right?" Jimin asked.

"No. But property damage, I'm gonna sue him I swear" Namjoon said with an annoyed tone.

"Some of his things were broken while Ong's minions were searching Namjoon's house. Want me to tell you cool story kids?" Yoongi is really enjoying his storytelling I can tell by the tone of his voice.

"We are not kids anymore but go on," Jimin said anticipating the story.

"He almost crushed one of Ong's minions" We were shocked to hear the news.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. Because Namjoon is so pure, well not that pure but he doesn't fight back physically.

"Yeah. The reason is that they broke Sora's picture frame"

"WHICH IS EXPENSIVE! IT COST MORE THAN THEIR LIFE!" Namjoon shouted loudly that we need to distance the phone a little from us.

"You are exaggerating everything" Yoongi spat. They become silent and I guess Namjoon glared at Yoongi. Namjoon can be scary sometimes.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now