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"It's getting late I think you should go home now," I told them. We are all in the kitchen telling stories and experiences. It somehow made me cheer up and feel less lonely.

"You're right," Martha said while looking at her wristwatch.

"I don't want to go" Seolhee whined and let out a hiccup. Obviously, she is drunk. Really drunk.

Martha drags a whining Seolhee towards the door.

"Wait for me, I'll grab my wallet and jacket real quick," I told her she just nodded. After grabbing my stuff I helped her with Seolhee until we reach Martha's car. We put Seolhee in the back seat and lay her down. Obviously, she passed out.

"Sorry for barging in without notice Y/N-ah" Martha apologized. "But I didn't regret barging in" She immediately added which made me chuckled.

"I know. Thank you for stopping by and drive safely" I told her and she went inside the car. She starts the engine. She opened the window enough for me to see her.

"Bye Y/N. take care" She smiled. "Drive safely" I reminded. She just giggled and started driving. I waited till the sight of their car disappeared. When it's no longer in sight I went back inside my apartment.

I started cleaning up the mess that we made. I'm contemplating whether to continue my paperwork or skip it and I decided to skip it. My phone rings and I look at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Still awake I see," Yoongi said.

"I'm not sleepy yet," I told him.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked.

"Martha and Seolhee were here a moment ago. They went home just now so I was thinking whether to continue working or sleep"

"I see. Perfect timing then" he muttered. "Do you need anything grandpa?" I asked teasingly.

"Actually yes," he said. "What is it?" I asked.

I heard a honking sound.

"Don't tell me" "Just hurry up" Yoongi commanded and I can imagine him smirking right now.

I immediately went outside and lock my apartment. I turn around and saw Jimin in the driver's seat. Yoongi at the back seat waving at me while smirking.

I wave back and smiled. I walked towards them

"Hurry slowpoke we're going to miss the show," Yoongi said.

"What show?" I asked confused. "Just hurry up," He told me. I just did what he told me and went in the car. My eyes widen realizing that Namjoon was inside the car too.

"Hello" He greeted with an awkward smile. "H-Hi" I answered feeling shocked. I don't even know what I look like when I greeted him back. Jimin started driving. Everyone is silent.

"Drop that awkwardness idiots" Yoongi suddenly commented breaking the ice.

"How about you shut up Yoongi Oppa" I fired back with sarcasm.

"Huh? Make me!" He challenged.

"Nah.. my energy will be wasted" I shrug. "And I was told to respect my elders so I'm just gonna let you win this conversation as a sign of respect" I slightly bow my head and smirked at him.

"I'm not that old yet you shit" he defended. "Grandpa is angry" I teased and he just glared at me.

Hehe. Looks like I won this match.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now