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"Taehyung," I said and touched his cheeks. Tears keep flowing down his face. He was surprised as if he saw a ghost. I wipe his tears using my thumb. But they keep flowing. It hurts me seeing him cry. 

His eyes were swollen because of crying. I chuckled a little.

"Stop crying you look like a baby," I told him. Finally, I can speak a little

"Y/N" he called my name softly. I smiled at him.

I tried to get up but my body was weak. Now I remembered that I got hit by a car.

"Don't move," He said worriedly. I just sigh and lay still. He wipe his face with his hands look away.

"Wait for me I'm gonna call the doctor" he was about to stand up but I grab his hands. He stop and look at me.

"Don't leave me" I said.

"But I need to-" "Don't leave. That's an order" I said firmly. He just sigh and do what I told him.

"Then, I will notify them," he sighed in defeat. 

Silence filled the atmosphere. I don't know what to say. I roamed my eyes. Yup. I'm in the hospital. My most hated place.

"I'm sorry" He began speaking. I slightly turn my head to his direction and his head was facing the floor.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

"For what?" I asked.

"It's my fault you end up here" He said.

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself" I told him.

"But-" "It's my fault. No one should be blamed other than me" I said.

"That's not tr-" "Stop blaming yourself" I commanded.

"Boss" Regret was painted on his face.

"Taehyung, if I heard or see you blaming yourself because of this I won't forgive you remember that" I said and look at him. He nodded his head not sure what to answer.

"Lower your head a little" I commanded.

"Why?" He asked. "Just do it" I said. He did what I told him. I gently patted his head.

"You know, my dad always do this when I'm guilty of something. He always tell me that it's not my fault but I will still be upset. Somehow this actions comfort me. I hope it's the same for you" I said and smile. Although I don't like others patting me because of height problems.

I withdraw my hand and look at the ceiling smiling. Remembering my moments with my dad gives me complete comfort.

"It's not fair" I heard Taehyung mumbled.

"Huh?" I wonder why Taehyung said that.

"Nothing, you should rest for now, while we wait for the doctor," he said. I just nodded and look at the window beside me. I wonder what day it is now. Well the moon was shining brightly this night.

Are you happy that I'm awake now?

Because you know I'm happy. I will cherish this life more than anything. I won't let those demons take it away from me.

Namjoon's POV

Taehyung called this early morning telling me that Y/N was awake. I hurriedly went to the hospital. Sora was out of the country for her Photoshoot. Perks of having a model wife.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now