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I woke up feeling dizzy. Where am I? I look around the unfamiliar room. I stand and walk towards the door. I was about to open it but it suddenly open causes me to back away a little.

"Y/N? You are awake!" Jimin happily exclaimed and suddenly hug me tight.

"J-Jimin I-I can't breathe" I managed to say. He quickly let go of me and smiled sheepishly.

"We're so worried when you suddenly lost consciousness" He told me.

"Lost consciousness?" I asked. I look confused. Did I really pass out? 

"You don't remember?" "Seems like it," He was confused by my answer.

I just stared at him like a lost child. When he sense that I won't answer him he sighs and told me what happened.

After he told me, everything came flashing back in me. Right! I saw her. But she suddenly disappeared. What happened? It's been eight years since I last saw her. Why now?

"Jimin is Y/N already awake?" Taehyung came in the room holding a water and a medicine. He look shock when he saw me.

"You are already awake. Why didn't you tell me" Taehyung said. He look at Jimin and started whining.

"I forgot sorry," Jimin apologized and flash a peace sign.

"Whatever. How are you feeling Boss?" Taehyung look at me with a worried face.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. And if I said something weird before I collapsed just forget about it. It's nothing," I told him and he just nodded but I know that he's not listening.

"Drink this so you will feel better" He give me a medicine, I just stared at it speculating it.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Herbal medicine. It's good for relaxing your body and mind. You know because you panicked before passing out so I thought this medicine might help you" He explained without looking at me.

"Don't worry Y/N, I also took those medicines whenever I'm stressed and it really relaxes me. And its safe I'm the one who made it. I studied medicine before" Jimin reassured me. I just nodded and take it.

"Taehyung I'm serious about what I said earlier" I give him a stern look.

"About what?"

I just sighed. I thought so. He didn't pay attention to what I said earlier.

"Don't bother to think about what happened earlier. It's nothing. Don't even dig a single information about it. That's an order," I told him and he just sigh.

"You saw through me," He said and smirked. I smirked also.

"Of course. I should know the personality of who's I've been hanging out with" I told him proudly and he just chuckled.

"Really? So Y/N what do you think about me?" Jimin suddenly asked. I look at him startled about what he asked.

What should I tell him? That he is the most beautiful creature that I saw. That his soothing voice really relaxes me. No I will sound like a creep. He might even find out that I like him. I panicked internally thinking what to respond.

"You are just a jamless muscle man so quit it," Taehyung answered before me.

"Hey, I'm not jamless," Jimin defended. Then that's when a stupid talkshits started.

I sighed tiredly. I'm so done with their child fights.

"Can you both stop? You are making my head ache worse," I told them, though it's just an excuse to make them stop. They both stop and apologized. 

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now