[2] Bad Boy's 'Space'

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“Sorry I'm late.”

Justin's words broke the silence. But there was not even a single doubt that his words were not meaningful.

Mr Wilson's face turned red, and it frightened me. “You know very well I don't tolerate late students, Hazard.”

My shoulders stiffened at his anger that was directed to Justin. How could anyone maintain such anger so early in the morning?

“Jeez, I said sorry!” Justin raised his voice too with an exasperated look. He shot Mr Wilson a cold glare which made my whole body tense as if I was Mr Wilson.

“Go take your seat Hazard! And for your own good, this better be the last time this happens. If you are late the next time then don't even bother coming to my class. Consider yourself officially warned!”

Justin walked past him to his seat. A word dropped from his mouth that I'm not sure anybody caught. But I did.


“What did you just say?” Mr Wilson questioned lividly.

I swear this teacher had serious anger problems. Maybe he should see a therapist, but looking at the deep scowl stuck on Justin's face proved that Mr Wilson was not the only one.

Maybe Justin Hazard and Mr Wilson should both get therapists.

Justin then turned to face Mr Wilson and I could tell that everyone was waiting anxiously for what was about to come. Drama like this was usually the most talked about in school for an entire week.

When Justin walked closer to him, I could see Mr Wilson's chest heaving up and down, looking almost intimidated. However that was everyone's reaction when Justin Hazard was that close to you. It made you fear for your dear life and even though you knew that he wouldn't kill you or beat the crap out of you, he just made you feel that he would. And that was why everyone was so afraid of Justin Hazard.

“Arsehole. I said arsehole, so what're you going to do about it?” Justin spat, catching my breath at his attitude towards a teacher.

There were loud gasps coming from the rest of the students in the class, all looking at the scene before them cautiously. No one seemed to believe that Mr Wilson was currently being insulted by another student in front of his class. I would be humiliated if I was him. Actually there was no doubt that he felt more than humiliation now. “That's it. Get out.” Mr Wilson's voice was low and threatening. However if you listened closely, you could hear that he was afraid.

“Justin then looked at Mr Wilson, his eyes narrowing at him. A smirk appeared on his lips before he spoke the next two words nonchalantly.

“With pleasure.”


I was rushing towards my English class, stopping by the washroom was not supposed to take as long as it did.  English class happened to be the only class Kate and I shared. I was holding my two textbooks against my chest as my legs walked faster, and I sighed out of relief when I acknowledged the slightly ajar door.

When I opened it, all pairs of eyes turned to me and I instinctively kept my head hung low, feeling my confidence levels dropping down harshly. After apologizing to the teacher of whom I did not recognize, my eyes roamed over the class and connected with Kate's brown irises. My first instinct was to walk over and sit next to her, but then I saw a redhead boy called Liam already seated there. I sighed out of disappointment and Kate flashed me an apologetic grin. There was only one empty seat in the back of the class, and I didn't realize who was next to it until I sat down. My eyes widened as I took in his close appearance.
Justin Hazard.

A huge part of me was surprised that I shared this class with him too. But it was what he said next that almost knocked the living cells out of me.

“Get up.” His voice was low and threatening. Assuring me that if I didn't do what he said right now, there would be bigger consequences to bear.

Almost immediately, flashbacks raced across my head as I thought of my uncle and being spoken to with the same venomous tone of voice. I shook my head, forcing myself to stop thinking about him when I was at school. It was the only place that I could be safe from him. Away from him. Free from him.

Justin's eyes darkened when he saw me shaking my head, and my eyes widened at the thought that he was probably thinking I was replying to him.

“I’m not gonna repeat myself.”

My heart stopped when he leaned closer to me, closer to my face. “Why?” I asked. My voice barely above a whisper, and Justin looked at me as if I was going insane. But why would he make me get up from my seat?

“Because this” he motioned to both our seats next to each other “is my space.” His voice sent chills down my spine, giving me immediate goosebumps.

“I didn't realize you're so big you need two seats to sit.” My hand flew up to my mouth as soon as the words escaped my mouth. His eyes turned a shade darker as he studied my face unbelievably. I immediately rose from my seat and stepped back, creating some distance between Justin and I. The teacher then looked at us disapprovingly.

Justin stood up too and swung his back over his shoulder. He walked towards me, everyone's eyes fixated on us but no one took it upon themselves to say a thing.

“In the next lesson, you better not sit anywhere near me cakes.” And with that, Justin left the classroom, ignoring the teacher’s protests. I silently sat back down as I ignored everyone’s eyes. My heart was pounding hard against my chest as I thought of what just happened to me… and I remained emotionless the entire time. Thoughts of how I could have avoided Justin Hazard ever speaking to me raced through my head. Maybe if I came to class earlier, I would have sat next to Kate and avoided him completely.

However on his side, what Justin did was called bullying. Pure bullying and I was not going to allow him to walk over me.

I did not even care if he was the total opposite of good.

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