[52] See you again

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"So while everybody else is attacking downstairs, we run upstairs and hunt down Andreas." Levi told me once again as I thoroughly thought through the plan in my head.

"But his best assassins will probably stay upstairs with him. We won't stand a chance when it's just the two of us against all of them." I pointed out.

He thought about it before nodding "We should wait until all their other men are killed so that their other assassins come downstairs and in the meantime, we'll sneak upstairs and into their owner's office."

"They will be unprepared and not expecting a hit. We should be able to kill him easily." I deadpanned.

"But it's not gonna be easy."

I stood up from the uncomfortable stool I was sitting on "But it has to be done! This is really important to me."

Levi stood up as well and he nodded in agreement. Everything will go according to plan. I couldn't afford losing Amara forever. Me leaving UG would make her the happiest girl in the world because her worries would have faltered and her happiness meant my own happiness. All I want is for her to be with me until the day we breath our last breaths. I love her that much and the fact that I'm willing to do this for her might seem big and crazy, but it doesn't even amount to being a quarter of my love for her.

"I really hope so man."


I went home and drowned in thoughts for the remainder of the night. I was so engrossed in thinking about Amara that I didn't realize when it just hit midnight. I had not been sleeping for a few days now but for some reason I was still feeling wide awake. Maybe it was because I had a big mission tomorrow night...well tonight to be exact.

At some point, I thought about calling my lovely girl whom I deeply miss like hell but I didn't want to interrupt her sleep so I guess my need to hear her voice would have to wait until for a bit longer.

I seriously don't know what happened to me. Before everything, before Amara stepped into my life, I was doing just fine with keeping my heart closed. I was doing just fine with living in this apartment all alone and I was also definitely doing just fine with living my gang lifestyle and become emotionless all the time. That was who I am, who I had become but when she stepped into my life, she took all that away. It was like a skin, a layer of darkness that she peeled off to reveal a part I would consider being myself.

There was really nothing better I could ask for in life than to have her back. To feel her presence with me all the time because I've fallen deeply in love with her.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up feeling a lot more refreshed than I was. Getting out of bed, I stretched and yawned loudly before walking towards the bathroom to have a shower. On my way there, I caught glance of the time and it was 06:57

I stood still, debating whether I should go to school today or skip yet again. I've not been going for a few days now but it was all because of the distress and also being afraid of bumping into Amara. But I guess it was a little different now considering how she came to see me just yesterday. Feeling her close to me and against my body again was amazing and the best part was that she couldn't manage to stay away from me for some time, just as I also had to call Levi to physically stop me from hopping into my car to where she had gone to. And she cared about me to come and check up on me as I was yearning to see her again but couldn't bring myself to go there, thinking how she won't want to see me ever again.

How wrong I was.

Not even spending much thought on it, I showered and put on clothes for school. I grabbed my almost empty school bag and locked the front door on my way out. I threw my bag on the back seat of my car and drove out, heading towards school.

I decided to stop for something to eat as I started feeling lightheaded. I barely ate anything in almost two days and I was starting to feel the affects of my lack of food. I could barely feel my body do anything. Getting a burger and some fries, I ate in my car and decided whether I should text Amara and tell her that I was coming to school today or not.

Shrugging, I pulled out my cellphone and opened our text messages to type out a message.

Me : Hey. I'll be in school today. Can't wait to see you *

I waited for like three minutes, eager to see what her reply would be.

MyWholeHeart : Really? That's good.

I frowned, thinking that she had more to say that just those three narrow words. She was keeping heaps to herself and forced herself to act in a different way so that she can keep her distance away from me. I hated it so much.

Me : Are you okay?

MyWholeHeart : Yeah, totally. Why?

Me : Because I'm not. I miss you more than you can ever imagine. x :(

MyWholeHeart : Well in that case... I'm in school, where you at? x

I grinned, starting my car.

MyWholeHeart : Just give me a minute, love.

She didn't reply so I drove to school, eager to see her face, hold her and possibly kiss her. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought of it. I need her in my life so bad and I feel like she's aware but doesn't know just how much.

I parked my car on another free spot as I noticed that my usual parking spot was already occupied. Once I exited my car, I noticed some students giving me wondering glances, some not even looking at me at all. I was shocked to notice some girls giving me flirtatious looks. This started to happen when I started hanging around a lot with Amara here at school but didn't think that it would carry on. People aren't afraid to look at me anymore without thinking that I'm gonna pounce on them and kill them on the spot.

I spotted Amara and her group of friends in front of her locker. She had her back to me and I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down her gorgeous body. I always thought that she had a banging, beautiful, well curved body. She was wearing a flowy skirt that ended in the middle of her thighs. Not too short nor too long either and I liked it. She matched with some white top but my eyes were glued to her legs.

Kate was laughing at something before she saw me standing a few feet away and she smiled before saying something, causing Leah and Amara to turn their heads to look at me. I locked eyes with her and didn't miss the small smile that played on her lips as she peeled her eyes from me and took a once over.

I smirked, she was totally checking me out...

and I liked it, a lot actually.

I walked over to them and Kate let out a "Hey Justin" in a loud, squeaky voice.

I smiled at them both before returning my gaze to Amara who was already looking at me.

"Hey baby." I greeted and she smiled before clearing her throat. "Hi Justin."

I held her gaze again, getting lost in her green irises that always managed to stupefy and dazzle me. I suddenly had the urge to touch her, hold her at least but I wouldn't do that until she told me so. She broke up with me and although we're still somehow behaving like we are together, I would still wait for her to touch me first because I'm afraid of crossing some nonexistent line.

"Uhh...Am we'll be just outside the building if you need us." Leah announced before they bounced off with giggles and big smiles on their faces.

Once we were alone, well except for some students walking past, she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist. My breath hitched like she'd just touched me for the first time. I wrapped my arms around her small body and pulled her closer to me. She pulled back sooner than I would've liked and I was confused when her face suddenly looked serious, apprehensive and hesitant.

"Justin there's something I want to talk to you about."


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