[20] Put Me In A Cage

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[Amara's POV]

The class was getting full of students pretty quick, probably because many students made sure to arrive before Mr Wilson did. No one wanted detention on a Monday morning.

I was sitting in my usual seat at the back of the class, the seat next to me was empty because Justin wasn't here.

I left him still sleeping at home but I must admit, a part me was feeling guilty about it. I knew that I should've at least told him that I was planning on attending school today. I mean how will he feel or what will he think when he wakes up and finds out that I'm not in the house? I really hope he doesn't get too out of his mind and do something crazy.

On the brighter side of things, what I was actually grateful for was that Bianca didn't come to sit next to me in class. She was currently occupying a seat in the front of the middle row, far away from where I was seated.

It's not that I hate her nor have anything against her, somehow it just didn't feel right or good to be friends with her. But that's absurd right? It's not like she did anything to me since we met.

But yet again, I can't possibly have these kind of feelings about her for nothing. She didn't do anything to prove my statement correct but I get the feeling that she's kind of dodgy, that she can't be trusted and that there's something she's up to. It's either I'm very speculative or my mind is playing tricks on me. Probably both because this is absurd.

However, I know that it's not fair for her to go based on my conclusions and not give her a chance to show who she truly is. And by the looks of it, she might prove me wrong, but I still trust my gut although I'm willing to give her a chance.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by the abrupt silence of the chatter that's been going on, a clear signal that Mr Wilson just walked in. The usual scowl remained on his face as he stood in front of the class, carefully studying everyone's faces.

God knows I wasn't ready for what came next...


I'm the most happiest person on the planet right now because the bell signalling the end of first lesson just rang, gracing our ears. It's not that I hate the subject, its just the teacher. Mr Wilson didn't know how to be friendly for once and see the people he teaches as human beings and not some robots or something.

He's always rude to his students and  constantly frowning every time in class. I find it so unnecessary. I've never seen him once smile or free himself from the uptight posture he's always having. But anyways, I was on my way to Ms Washington's class for English. I was strolling in the hallways when my cellphone suddenly vibrated in my bag.

I cursed under my breath because I was holding three big textbooks in my arms including people's notes that I have borrowed, meaning I now had to perform some major trick in order to take it out.

Someone saw me struggling and decided to approach me offering help.

"Do you need a hand?" Bianca asked softly as she approached me .

"No I've got both hands but thanks though." Was my response.

Bianca let out a short laughter before coming closer in order to retrieve the textbooks and notes from my hold.

"Come on, you look like you need help. Quickly bring, before you miss that call Amy."


I sighed, "I don't know how we reached nickname basis but look here Bia, you might be my best friends' friend but that doesn't automatically make you my friend. I just met you not even an hour ago but you are already behaving like we are long lost twin sisters. I don't mean to be rude but just leave me alone."

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