[54] Overwhelmed

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I was happy. There was no other way to describe what I felt. Although I was still worried about the fact that Justin has to go and kill someone so that he can leave the gang and start a whole new life, I didn't want to think much of it.

I didn't want to think about the fact that my boyfriend is a killer...or about to be a killer if he isn't one already. But without him having to do this, Justin will still be trapped into that dark world. I want him to get out of it and look at life in a whole new different perspective. Because that's all I want.

I won't lie and say that it sits well with me because it doesn't. The fact that Justin will have to go and take somebody's life away... I agree that those people are equally as bad if not more but taking a person's life is something so big and wicked that I'm definitely not favourable of.

But when I decided to get back together with him, I knew what exactly I was getting myself into. I've got to love him just the way that he is. The bad boy right? But the truth is that he's not like that at all. I was fortunate enough to get to know the real him, to see a side of him that not everyone sees. I was one of the only people that he let in because he loves me even though I don't understand why. He is indeed the most loving and caring person on earth. He's playful, funny and kind amongst other good qualities, something very opposite to what I first thought of him. There's no doubt in saying that he's one of my favourite people in the whole world.

So I raised my head and looked at the boy I was leaning on as we got as comfortable as we could on his couch. He smiled ever so sweetly when he saw me looking, I was suddenly overwhelmed with so much love I had for him. So much feelings of a profound and caring affection.

"How is it possible that I love you so much?" I whispered and something flashed in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before he gave me a warm grin.

"I'm just glad that you're back in my arms. It's all I've been thinking of these past few days. Please don't ever rip my heart out like that again cakes."

My heart clenched "Way to make me feel bad about myself."

He held me tighter almost like he was scared of me leaving him again. Only if he knew just how much I hated myself for leaving. "No I don't want you to feel that way sweetheart. I just hated it so much and it hurt me like shit when I wasn't able to hold you like this or kiss you whenever I liked."

My heart bled hearing him utter those words. I raised my hand and cupped his cheek. He looked into my eyes before a smile formed onto his lips. "Cakes I love that you chose to be stuck with me...as fucked up and unimportant as I am."

I gasped "Justin no. You're literally the most egotistical mothefucker I know but here you are saying such things." I couldn't help but laugh at my failed attempt of a straight face. "You're definitely very important to me Justin, you might be fucked up in other people's eyes but to me you're just perfect and all that I want despite everything we've been through and still going through. And baby you don't have to think about the time that we weren't together anymore... because I promise I'll always be right here with you. I'm not going anywhere again baby."

His worries seemed to disappear as he offered me a heart melting smile. He took my hand and brought it up, his lips pressing softly against it before he disconnected our skin. "I'm so lucky to have you. You are perfect." He told me.

"I love you." I replied and then leaned up to press my lips to his. We shared I'd say one of our most meaningful kisses that felt like only the both of us were alive. His lips moved against mine in a soft yet in need feeling. Almost like we could never get enough of one another ever.


I hated that Justin had to leave. It was currently six at night and Justin had to go to the gang house. I have no idea when he's going to be back. I was deeply worried about him, thinking about what if things don't go well and I end up losing him when I just recently got back together with him. Although he assured me that nothing was going to happen to him and promised that he was going to come back to me finally free from the gang, I couldn't help but still worry so much about him.

So that's why I called Kate and Leah over to the apartment. They were so happy that I decided to move back in. They were informed when I went to fetch my stuff from Kate's place with Justin this afternoon after school.

And on a more positive note, tomorrow it was Leah's party meaning she'll only see the dress tonight. I texted Kate to remind her to come with it.

I prepared some snacks for us and put everything in the living room and also took out some movies Justin had, they were a lot so we had many options of what we would watch. The doorbell went on and I rushed over to it and opened the door. Leah squealed before hugging me.

"Hi!" I spoke with an unusual high pitched voice. She walked in and I closed the front door as she smiled at me. I looked at her and laughed...

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked and she laughed  as well.

"No reason. I'm just happy you're with Justin again." Once she mentioned him, my smile left and I walked over to the couch and sat. Leah came and sat next to me and placed her hands on her lap...

"I'm sorry. You must be worried a lot about him." She spoke before looking down and played with the hem of her shirt. My gaze went from her hand to her face that didn't look as bubbly as it was a few moments ago.

"Leah what's wrong?" I asked and she looked at me. She seemed hesitant for a bit but got over it as she started talking. "It's Levi. I'm so worried about him just like you're worried about Justin.Babe what if things don't go well?"

My hand flew up to my mouth as I supressed a loud gasp. "What!?"

She rolled her eyes before leaning back onto the couch, a cute smile on her face. "I think I'm starting to like him Am. I had my doubts about him at first thinking that he was a player and all but he's shown no signs of that at all. He said he cares about me and I love the way I feel when I'm around him. He just genuinely makes me happy I guess."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was the best news ever!

"Does he know any of this?" I asked and she looked at me like I was growing a second head.

"No, of course not."

"You need to let him know." I told her and she shook her head. "He has to make the first move."

This time I shook my head "Okay knowing Levi, you either gonna wait for literally the shortest time or the longest time for him to ask you out."

She looked really worried "Really? Okay then... if he takes long and if I'm sure I won't be embarrassed, I'll make the first move." She said and I smiled at how enthusiastic she suddenly seemed.

The doorbell rang and we were suddenly joined by an over excited Kate. She smiled widely as she held the black garment bag in front of Leah.

"Pre-birthday girl. Time to try on your dress!" She exclaimed and I nodded with a grin.

"I hope you like it. But if you don't we can still find one you like tonight." I spoke but Kate nudged my shoulder.

"Shut up. I'm sure she'll love it."

"Okay let me go try it on. I'm super nervous and excited at the same time." Leah confessed as we made way to my bedroom. Leah disappeared into the bathroom to try on the dress. I was seated on the bed with Kate as we were impatiently waiting for Leah to finish or at least hear her scream in excitement at the sight of it.

"Shit. There's no reaction and she's been in there for like five whole minutes. Do you think she hates it?" Kate asked and I shrugged.

"I guess we'll just have to wait for her to come out."   Just as I said that, Leah walked into the room with a grin on he face. Her eyes were wide as she walked in. I looked at the dress and to say it was stunning would be such a big understatement...

"Oh my god Leah! You look great, do you like it?" Kate asked with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah I do. I love it but I feel like it's a bit too much..? I mean its a beautiful dress, maybe for prom but-"

"Nonsense. You look beautiful and I think it's perfect for tomorrow." I cut her off and she thought about it before smiling.

"Yeah you're right. It's very beautiful, thank you so much." She walked closer to us to enveloped both of us in a group hug.


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