[46] Worry List

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"Do you want me to order pizza?" He questioned, his phone in his hand and gaze on me, awaiting an answer.

I shrugged "Anything's fine really. I'm not even hungry."

Justin sighed before dialling a number and I soon heard him say something about extra cheese, pineapples and stuff.

As soon as he put the phone down, he walked over to me on the carpeted floor and sat next to me, leaning against the bed.  "What's wrong? You seem awfully quiet ever since we returned from school."

I know I probably shouldn't be worrying myself so much about this but all I could think of was Kate and Henry... "I saw the way Kate looked at Henry today. She likes him and I'm not sure if he's even interested in that."

"Well I think that Kate knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she started getting involved with Henry."

I nodded looking up at him "She thought she would be able to handle it but now she's like falling in love."

Justin grinned for some reason before chuckling "Falling in love? I think that's taking it a bit too far, my love."

A blush crept up to my face at the term of endearment.

I shrugged "Well...I'm just worried about her, that's all."

Justin smiled sweetly at me before leaning down until his face was inches away from mine. I felt his minty breath hit against my face before I shut my eyes and he pressed his lips against mine, capturing me in a sweet, soft and meaningful kiss.

A few seconds later, Justin pulled back with a crimson color staining his cheeks. I laughed as he got up and pulled me with him so that we were both standing. He looked like a child who's just gotten a kiss from an older crush.

"Do you want coffee?" He asked and I nodded as we went downstairs hand in hand. We walked to the kitchen where he started preparing two cups. I sat down and observed him as he moved around but I was mostly staring at his ass.

I laughed to myself just thinking that.

Justin turned around and grinned briefly before pouring the hot water into the cups. He walked over and placed them on the kitchen island before sitting opposite from me.

"Thanks." I muttered, bringing the cup to my lips and taking the smallest sip because it was hot.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind and I wondered if Justin would actually mind me asking this. I cleared my throat unnecessarily before speaking.

"Are you gonna leave the gang?" I asked but hated myself for not finding a better way to put it.

I saw Justin tense as he took a large gulp of the coffee no matter how hot it was. "W..why're you asking this?"

"I'm curious like are you just gonna continue being in it your whole life?" I questioned, my voice raising higher than I would have liked.

Justin ran a hand through his hair causing it to become shambolic. "I don't know yet." He countered, his voice high as well.

I stood up "Justin are you even at the slightest bit planning to leave it?"

A few seconds passed but there was no answer from him. I felt a whole lot of different emotions hit me and before I knew it, I was out of the front door and slamming it hard.

I didn't even know where I was going but later found myself running down the road with tears almost blinding my vision. I never thought I'd have an argument concerning this matter with Justin but I guess my thoughts deceived me.

He was never planning on leaving it now was he?

I fooled myself thinking that Justin was going to change for me. I kept telling myself that we were going to have a life together, free from the gang drama and the danger of it. But he was still recklessly determined on risking his life along with mine every single day that he's still associated with that gang. I understand that this used to be his whole life for a long time before he met me but I wish he would understand how uncomfortable I feel. Seriously if I mean that much to him then he'll reconsider about staying in the gang but if he doesn't...then I guess I'll know where I stand.

I reached a nearby park and decided to sit on one of the benches, not really feeling like going back home to face Justin. I closed my eyes for a while, thinking if he would come looking for me or not.

I sighed, looking to the side for any sight of him but I instead saw a figure I never thought I'd see, or wished to see.

She was walking towards me with cocky confident strides and I  really wanted to roll my eyes.

"Oh hey Amara."

"Leave me alone Bianca." I groaned but I think her brain took my words with an opposite meaning. She sat next to be and crossed her legs.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying?" She asked and for a moment, I noticed a smirk on her face.

"None of your business." I spat and she chuckled before speaking.

"No need to be rude. I'm just trying to be nice here."

I stood up, annoyed by her. "Well then I don't need it." I started walking away but she held my wrist, stopping me. I turned around almost immediately feeling anger consume me.

I pulled my hand back from her hold "What happened to staying out of my way?"

She laughed like I just made the biggest joke on the planet before crossing her arms on her chest. "Oh my god you're actually hilarious."

"Excuse me!?"

"Okay Fine. I'll leave you alone then." She smirked and walked past me still with the sick smirk. Before she went too far I called out, "What the hell do you want!?"

She turned around and smiled "Patience now wont you? You'll find out soon, I promise."

An uneasy feeling settled down my stomach as she mentioned those words, but I tried erasing her words off my worry list and thought of how I was going to face Justin later.


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