[41] Jet Black Heart

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[Amara's P.O.V]

I couldn't believe it.

I kissed him, surely I wasn't thinking when I did it but it was what I wanted in that very moment. To feel his lips pressed up against mine, feeling every lick, every suck.

Oh dear lord.

I was staring at my reflection on the bathroom mirror. My face was flushed, my lips were extra pink and a little swollen. I touched them, almost feeling the fire of his mouth again.

Justin was asleep now, I can't believe he told me. For a long time I wished that he would just do it, but today out of all days, he did.

I wonder what drove him to tell me, was it because of the unexpected visit from Daisy that brought back everything to him? I remember he did mention something about Daisy and her daughter that he said was his ex-girlfriend but...

He never got to talk about it because he started telling me about the gang.

Ugh that stupid gang! That stupid man what was his shit name again? Kioka what?

But now that Justin has told me about it, what was he planning to do? Is he just going to continue in it or try to come out? Because to me, it looks like he hated it, like he hated being in there.

I left the bathroom in deep thought. I was walking past Justin's room to mine when I heard his light snores. He was still sleeping.

I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me, waltzing over to my bed and threw myself on it, staring at the plain ceiling.

I looked to my side and noticed the picture I had placed on the bedside counter when I moved here.

I picked up the beautiful picture of my parents and I a few years ago. I smiled when I placed it on my chest, close to my heart.

I was having a lot of memories of my parents lately, probably because I missed them. It was hurting but it felt better than it would a few months back...because now I had Justin in my life.

I felt my eyes begin to shut and I closed them, beginning to fall asleep.


Something was hitting against the roof and windows so hard that I woke up. The room was filled with darkness and when I got my focus back, I noticed it was raining, hard.

I made a move to get up but I noticed that a blanket was now on top of my body, my shoes were also taken off and the picture I had was now placed back on the bedside counter. That's when I realized that Justin has been in here, or at least I hoped it was him.

I walked around the dim room and switched the lights on, clearing the darkness and I was welcomed by bright light. I walked over to the window and looked around. The surroundings were beautiful. It was pretty dark now and the streetlights were turned on. The surrounding apartments looked even more beautiful tonight for some odd reason. Probably because of the rain.

I looked down and noticed the garden. I never really went out to the backyard of this apartment but it looked pretty nice. There were different flowers and looked really lovely being irradiated by light. I now felt fully awake.

I closed the curtain, walked to the closet and changed into some warm clothes. I picked my cellphone up and noticed it was eight pm.

I had slept for over five hours!

I put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and then opened the text messages I had. Two were from Kate and Leah asking if I was okay and how Justin was doing.

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