[25] The Hide Is Over

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"You were seen walking out of the car with Justin Hazard. Jus-tin Ha-zar-d out of all people! Oh my god are you insane Amara!?"

Yeah there it goes, the inevitable...I told Justin that it wasn't gonna be a great idea...and turns out I wasn't wrong at all.

"Are you just gonna stand there and not say a single thing? What were you doing with him or what did he do to you? You're changing Amara and it fucking hurts to know that you don't tell us a single thing anymore. Its like we don't know you anymore!" Kate yelled, causing some of the people who were in the cafeteria to stare.

"Or what, don't you wanna be friends anymore? Because this is definitely not the ideal way to treat your friends." Leah said, making a breath get caught up in my chest.

"No-no I still want you as my best friends."

"Then what's the problem with how you've been acting lately?" Kate shouted, creating an even larger audience for us. Trust her to always be the loudest.

"I'm sorry for not saying anything okay? I've just been going through a lot and I felt as if you guys wouldn't understand if I told you. I didn't know what to do anymore...it's just...its more than you think." I spoke with a lower tone, looking down. I couldn't even face them.

"Oh my God are you hearing yourself? How would we possibly not understand? We are besties, we tell each other any fucking thing because we are supposed to trust each other and have each other's back all the time. You've been making us feel less important in your life Amara."

"Some things are just hard to say. I'm sorry but...I didn't mean for anything to be the way that it so now. I've been battling this from the start but...the war was getting bigger for me to handle on my own. I felt internally lost and out of it. I just...it hurts just thinking about it."

Kate and Leah looked at each other in a confused manner before looking back at me. Their expressions had changed from angry and sad to a better suiting pitiful and disoriented.

"Am, what are you talking about? What have you been going through? Are you okay?" This is what I hated the most, someone's pity.

"Can we talk about this elsewhere please?" I asked as I was staring to feel uncomfortable in the cafeteria. Many people were looking at us, I couldn't stand these piercing and judgmental stares any longer.

When I was seen in the morning walking out the car with Justin, I tried to convince myself that people wouldn't care about it but it seems like I was greatly wrong. Ughh great right?

Note the sarcasm.


"So should I wait for you or do you want me to be there with you?" Asked Justin and I shook my head at the second option.

"Just wait me up, it'll be weird having you there."

It was after school now and I was supposed to meet up with Kate and Leah in order to tell them the truth. To tell them everything. I can't stand a chance of losing them...I already do but I don't wanna create a bigger chance.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"It will just make everything worse than it already is. I just want all of this to end. I'm tired of feeling this way. Hiding everything away from my best friends is killing me because I feel like I am breaking the friendship code." I confessed, my voice so low it was like a whisper. Justin stretched out his arms and embraced me in a heart warming heart.

"It will soon end love. Just be honest with your friends for now, they will understand and everything will come together I promise you. But...I just didn't know there was such thing as a friendship code yaknow." He said with a teasing tone at the end. I pulled back and punched his shoulder, a childish pout on my lips.

"Says the boy who hardly has friends." I rolled my eyes at him before getting back in his arms.

I swear I would never get tired of this. His scent...the comfort... Greatest feeling in the fucking world if you ask me.

From there on, Justin refrained from saying anything as he just smirked and then closed his eyes. I kind of love this position..and I think Justin loves it just the way that I do.

We sat there, me in his arms for ten more minutes or so before he decided to let me go. From the rearview mirror, I noticed Leah's car waiting just outside the school gate, probably waiting for me. I looked at Justin.

"I have to leave now." I breathed out as I made a move to exit his car.

He held my wrist which made my head snap back at him. I don't think I'll ever get used to the way it feels when he unexpectedly touches me. Its like being electrically shocked except the pain is replaced by butterflies and warm feelings.

"I...call me when you're done." He seemed timid all of a sudden which was unlike him.

"Okay." I replied and waited for him to release me so that I can go. But he didn't.

He was just staring down while his hand held my wrist, he didn't let me go.

"Justin I have to-" I was interrupted by that honk of Leah's car that was parked outside the gate. I looked over to them before looking back at Justin.

"You do know that you'll have to let me go at some point right? Leah and Kate must be going out of their minds considering the fact that they know I'm in here with you." As soon as I said that, Justin let go of my hand as if it was on fire.

I gave him a confused look.

"Why do they hate me so much? I mean they don't know me at all." My heart bled at his words... Its the pain that came out with them that he tried to hide.

This time, I reached and placed my hand on top of his.

"Justin everyone in the school and I mean EVERYONE thinks that you're bad and dangerous. I wish they knew that you're nothing close to that but please just understand where my friends are coming from. They just want to protect me and they don't really hate you."

"Cakes you don't need to be protected from me! I'm just...I'm just trying to stay sane over here." Justin had woes just like me, I could feel it.

"I know that Justin." I didn't even know what to say. Justin soon covered his emotional face with a dull expression and gave a small meaningless grin.

"You're right, your friends must be impatient as fuck so you should go ahead now." He spoke, lightly nudging me with his arm to get me out.

"Okay fine I'm leaving now." I said while jumping out the car.

I was about to turn around and walk away when Justin suddenly leaned out the car. "Just don't forget to call me when you're done cakes."

I laughed. "I sure won't."


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