[23] Next To Me

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AN: Hey guys. I'm so happy right now because The Opposite Of Good has reached 160 reads and its all thanks to the people that read it and vote as well. Thank you for the support and enjoy chapter 23!!!


[Justin's POV]

You could have anything you want in the universe, but nothing can amount to the overwhelming feeling you get in happiness.

I don't even care if its just the tiny piece of it, its still something to cherish.

This is because going through the life that I went through, you tend to look at things on a daily basis differently and its no joke. You tend to appreciate the little moments a little more than a normal being would. You tend to think of ways in which you could make them last longer because in those moments, as little as they are, you find your greatest happiness.   
Those moments become your treasure...a treasure you can't hold on to forever.

Its like happiness is forbidden in my world, but I'm still trying to make everything work for as long as I live.

I don't like to ponder about how much of a dangerous world I'm in because as much as I emotionally trouble myself about it, I still won't be able to achieve the goal that I want, to escape.

That is what I want to do in honor of my late mother.

I stay up all night just thinking about her. Her smile, her laugh, her love. Is it weird to say that my mother was the best thing that's ever happened to me and not the other way around? She meant a lot to me, more than my own existence meant to me.

And when she died...

That broke my heart deeply. Her death totally shattered me, left me bittered and bruised. The only thing left was just a body, my soul was gone.

She was ALL I had.

When I was just eleven, the only thing I wanted to achieve was to make my mom proud and make her smile. But when she was taken away from me so tragically, I had no one to make proud. I had no one to make smile, I had no one to call MY MOM.

I don't sleep almost every night just thinking about her. I know that she is looking above me from the heavens, she is my guardian angel now.

I was depressed as a child, but it got better as I grew. That is just because I stopped feeling, I became emotionless most of the time, gave almost everyone cold shoulders, told people to back off whenever they asked what was wrong.

I was just not into the world anymore.

I've heard many high schoolers having hushed conversations about me...calling me names such as a gang-leader, murderer, thief and many more.

I don't give a single fuck about them because those petty, little, bored high schoolers definitely don't know what they're talking about. They know NOTHING about me.

But I knew that I had to pull myself together for the sake of Amara. She is going through a lot in her life and what she needed now was someone to bring positivity in her life. And that's what I want to do, which is why I took her to live with me.

I want to be the reason for her everyday smiles.

My long train of thoughts was disturbed by the sudden stirring of the girl beside me and that's when I realized that she just woke up.

A small grin appeared on my face as I looked to my side at her. I still can't believe we fell asleep together.

She looked confused for a while before her eyes widened in shock.

"Cakes...are you okay?" I asked concerned. She sat up immediately and leaned against the headboard and so did I.

Disregarding the fact that she was in a state of shock or confusion right now, she looked really pretty.

Her long hair was all over the place but I found it cute because she didn't look like a mess, she looked beautiful. Her perfect lips were a brighter pink than normal and her eyes...damn those green eyes of hers shone brighter than usual.

I slept next to an angel.

"Don't tell me you are about to faint from waking up to the sight of the most handsome man alive." I smirked. My ego was something else sometimes. But don't blame me, I liked to play a little.

"Oh please...don't get too big for your boots." She countered after rolling her eyes at me. Those eyes...I was about to say something when she made a move to get out of bed and...oh shit!

Is this girl actually trying to kill me?

Her thighs...her body was perfectly flawless, how come I didn't notice all along how curvaceous she was? And I didn't look away, of course I stared, because I'm a guy so she shouldn't blame me.

"Oh my god Justin, do you actually mind?"

Nah I don't think I mind, plus those shorts she was currently wearing weren't helping.

I noticed how much she was trying to hide the blush, the red color that stained her cheeks.

After our 3am conversation, we fell asleep together and I woke up about an hour ago.

"Why did you rush out of bed so soon love? I was still getting comfy."

I laughed when she grabbed the covers away from me to wrap them around herself, so I was left with no covers on me.

"You're insane. Get out of my room." Her words said one thing but her face said another. She was like a tomato now, dying from blushing.

She was so cute.

"Is that what you want love?" I asked and raised a brow at her, with a smirk.

She didn't respond for a while and just cleared her throat. She was nervous... and I liked it.

"I-I'm just gonna go shower." She said, still walking around with the sheets around her, trying to avoid all eye contact with me.

Was I making her nervous?

I got up from the bed and walked towards the door after adjusting my boxers to a more appropriate way.

"Hold on love, I think I'm the one that's gonna need a cold shower here." I winked at her before I left the room.


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