[12] Salvation

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Ignoring the bright light that hurt my eyes, I saw three figures towering over me. The first person... Or maybe the only person I recognized was Justin. Justin as in like Justin Hazard.

What was he doing here?

Everyone looked at me and I simply stared back. I was confused to say the least. And as if to notice this, Justin decided to speak.

"You're at my house cakes." He was speaking through his teeth, a sign that he was angry. In fact, he looked livid.

I looked around the room...it was a bedroom which was around the size of my own. I was lying on a bed, a blanket on top of me. 

Finally finding my voice, I decided to speak.

"H-how? Where is..Ben? H-he..."

The last thing I remember was me practically...dying and now I'm here.

"What happened?" I whispered, not yet contained all the energy necessary to speak properly. My body felt weak, I couldn't even move.

The two people behind Justin looked at the scene before them cautiously. Justin turned his head and shared a look with them and turned around to face me again.

He let out a sigh before talking "You almost died Amara." I felt a single tear escape my eye at those words. Hanna was right. Ben almost killed me, I almost died at the hands of Ben. Maybe I should've listened to her, maybe I should taken her advice and maybe things would've turned out differently.

"Hey... Don't cry... You're alright now and I'm sure this is a huge shock to you but I need you to understand that I won't do anything to harm you in anyway. I found you unconscious and then I brought you here, that's all. Consider this as... as a safe house." Justin took my hand in his, green eyes looking directly in my own shade of green ones. For a moment I could see through them. I didn't know how Justin arrived in my life, but he saved me from the hands of death. He saved me from so many calamities I had while living in that house with Ben. I was grateful to Justin for that. I owed Justin my entire life.

"But how did you get there?" I asked in a low voice as Justin reached out his hand to wipe away my fallen tear. Something that took me by surprise but I stopped myself from flinching when his skin made contact with mine.

He exhaled sharply before answering, "I was surprisingly around your street when it happened. Listen, I didn't know that your uncle abused you. I could've done something about it but believe me, I just managed to put the pieces together now."

I froze at this confession, but I kept quiet and let him continue.

"As I said, I was around your street when it happened. I was not coming to your house but to visit a friend of mine who lives on the same street as you. But when I was passing by your house, I heard shouting from inside but couldn't make out the words. Before I could do anything, everything went quiet so I decided to just let it go. About twenty minutes later, I saw a man walking out. He looked angry, really angry but I could sense a little bit of scared on his features. He walked towards his car to leave but he was hesitant for a moment. He then hopped in and sped down the street. "

I gasped as I took in Justin's words. So Ben really did leave me to die...

"S-so, how did you get in?" I asked and Justin continued.

"I just forgot about everything and proceeded in going to my friend's house. After about an hour or so, I felt uneasy, very uneasy so I made an excuse and told Troy that I had to leave. I came straight to your house which took me less than five minutes. I knocked on the front door but there was no answer. I knocked and knocked, even called out your name but there was still no answer. So I broke in again from your room because it felt bad to leave. When I got into your room, you were not there so I opened the door and looked for you around the house. When I went downstairs, I almost died when I saw blood on the floor. The trail started from the staircase going down. And then I saw you. You were lying on the floor looking lifeless but thankfully still breathing."

Justin looks different now. He's no longer then scary, bad boy who's always having a permanent scowl on his face. I don't see him as that anymore.

What happened changed everything between Justin and I because he now knows about my secrets.

"So you brought me here?"

"I had to take you out through the window though." Justin let out a short, cute laugh as I gasped.

"A window?" I faked hurt and he raised his hands. He had a smile on his face, a smile that looked too good to be true. But I chose to believe it was real. Because it gave my life back.

"What was I supposed to do? The door was locked and I couldn't find the fucking key. So I crashed the window to your living room because it was bigger and not too far from the ground."

I simply looked at him, at a loss for words but I was smiling a little.

"I was scared Amara. Scared that you would die in my arms because your heartbeat was gradually becoming softer while mine was beating faster and faster. And at that moment, I wished we switched places, just so that you could live and I would be the one dying." This time, I took in his hand in mine and smiled weakly at him.

"Thank you Justin." I spoke with an emotion laced voice.

"Don't worry about it cakes." He smiled back and that was the best picture but his face turned serious yet again.

"But I swear, we are going to find him. He needs to pay." Justin spoke with so much rage in him that I internally shivered.

I looked behind him to the other two guys.

"Who are they?" I asked, and Justin looked back at them.

"My brother Nick on the right and my best friend Levi."

They both nodded at me in acknowledgement and I gave a small smile. Nick however didn't look like Justin at all. He was shorter than him, had light blonde hair, brown eyes. They shared no similar features, which was weird for people classified as siblings but anyway...

Levi however looked as tall as Justin, with brown hair and darker brown eyes. They both were quite good looking though, truth be told.

Justin got up from the seat and walked towards Nick and Levi.

"I think you need to rest now cakes. I can check up on you later. "

Just as they were turning to leave, I decided to stop them.

"Wait, " they turned and looked at me.  "I...how long have I been here?"

"I brought you here yesterday cakes, why?"

I felt my heart stop, I couldn't believe I've been here for so long. What if Ben came back and looked for me. He must have came back...and when he discovered that I wasn't home...

"Take me back Justin." I commanded, getting up from the bed. Pain shot through my spine and my head throbbed but I ignored it. Justin looked shocked, and then came towards me.

"Amara what are you-"

"I said take me back Justin!"


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