[49] Away

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"But you didn't have to leave him babe. I'm sure there was a way to fix whatever that is going on." Kate tried convincing me for like the millionth time. She then parked the car in the garage and we got out. She helped me carry the bags and I stopped her when we were about to enter the house.

"Wait...are your parents still awake?" I asked and she shook her head.

"It's like almost midnight now, they went to sleep a few hours ago." She opened the door and I attempted to make as little noise as possible.

"Good. I wouldn't want them seeing me like this." I whispered when we were going up the stairs.

"They've already seen you in much worse states." She reminded and I nodded. I used to come her a lot when my parents passed on.

When we reached her room, I put the bags on the floor and threw myself on the queen sized bed, knowing that she doesn't mind.

"I feel bad about myself." I whispered, remembering how broken he was when I left.

Kate walked to the bed and sat down.
"You love him right?" She asked and I nodded almost immediately. Warm feelings welcomed me when I thought about what happened before I left. "He also told me that he loves me."

She had a grin on her face and forced me to sit up.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"It's not that easy Kate. I'm actually really tired now, mind if we talk about this tomorrow?...Or not at all preferably."

She shook her head "No we'll definitely talk about this tomorrow."


I woke up with a big headache. My head literally felt like I've been banging it against something hard. Forcing to open my eyes, I was welcomed by bright light that hurt my eyes for a moment until I adjusted. That's when I realized that Kate has opened the curtains. .

I turned to my side and she wasn't there. A few seconds later, she walked out of her bathroom looking refreshed. She had on some navy skirt and a light blue top. Her hair was brushed neatly to the side.

"Morning. You've bathed already?" I asked sitting up, avoiding my pounding head in the process.

"Yeah, you look like a mess so you should probably go shower now and then come down later for breakfast." She countered before disappearing out the door. I took one deep breath before getting up, almost falling because of the sudden change in position. I dragged myself to Kate's bathroom and turned on the shower until it was the temperature that I wanted. In the meantime, I searched my toiletry bag for my toothbrush and toothpaste.

After thirty minutes, I've already showered and also brushed my teeth. Walking back into the room, I noticed my phone on the bedside counter lit. My heart started jumping up and down as I thought that it could be Justin that's just messaged me but at the same time, I felt sad that he was no longer my boyfriend.

Yes I love him. I love him so much but last night I dumped him because apparently I can't be with him given the knowledge of his lifestyle and what he does for...money.

Deciding to not check the text, I walked over to my bag and took out some outfit that surprisingly didn't need to be ironed. I put my clothes on and then used Kate's hair dryer to dry my hair. I put it in a high ponytail, not really feeling like styling my hair. When I was in front of the mirror fixing my hair, that's when I noticed it. The big hickey that spread out on the base of my neck. Memories of last night suddenly rushed back like a hurried train. Reminding me of good it felt.

I wanted to blush and cry at the same time. How was I supposed to hide this?

I decided to put my hair down and also attempting to put some make up on top of it but it was still kind of visible. It was hidden with my hair though so I told myself not to worry that much. It would be awkward if Kate's parents saw this on me.

I gathered some books I'll need for today in my school bag and took my phone before walking down the stairs.

Kate and her parents were sitting across a table having breakfast. When I walked closer, Mrs Rowley whom insits I call her Agnes smiled.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Rowley." I smiled, sitting next to Kate.

"Morning honey. So lovely to see you here again." Mrs Rowley replied and I smiled.


I had some cereal not really feeling like too much food. We had small conversations throughout breakfast and when Mrs Rowley asked me how long I'd like to stay here, I didn't really know what to say but she noticed my uncertainty and offered that I could stay for as long as I wanted. I thanked her and then Mr Rowley and herself later excused themselves to go to work.

"Alright, we better get going babe." Kate announced and I nodded. I tried to not think about what it would be like seeing Justin at school but it was quite impossible. We share Physics class and English class together. A part of me can't wait to see him but another part just wants to curl into a ball, cry, eat ice cream and not go to school. But I'm not gonna miss school because we're currently busy with a chapter in Chemistry that I probably need some extra lessons on.

Kate pulled up in the school's parking lot before parking her car in her usual spot. I breathed in deep and Kate offered me an encouraging smile. Exiting the car, I wanted to look around to see if I could spot a certain someone but didn't unfortunately.

"Come on, let's go."


Turns out Justin didn't come to school today. Or if he was here, he bunked two classes that I was in and made sure I didn't see him at all. I even excused myself from our cafeteria table at lunch to go see if he was at his usual hanging out place but he wasn't there at all. I was somewhat worried but reminded myself that I broke up with him and I'm technically not supposed to worry about him like I currently am right now.

But I still care about him, I still love him and love like that doesn't get erased easily. I'll never forget about him and even if I do, it will take me years for me to completely move on.

But I didn't wanna move on, I wanted to be held by Justin, I wanted to feel his lips, his touch. I wanted to feel his love, smell his scent again and get lost in his eyes.

I didn't want to stay away from him.


AN :

OMFG This story has 2,000 readers now!!!! I definitely couldn't be happier and thank you all for reading.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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