[35] Unsure

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[Amara's P.O.V]

I found myself blushing furiously as I put my clothes on, constantly stopping to sit on the corner of my bed, hold my cheeks in my hands and reminisce once again with a large grin on my face.

Everytime I did so, I felt warm and tingling feelings in my stomach.

It was so perfect! Exactly how I thought it would be for our first time. I might have stopped the make out session simply because I was afraid of what it would lead to, but I was still glad that it happened with Justin.

This morning was weird, I can't believe I was so amazed by his sudden exit from the bathroom, looking like total steak by the way, that I froze and didn't know what to do with myself.

The truth is that, I wasn't prepared to look at him, not to mention even talking to him. I'm new at this and I don't know how to act after a night like last night.

I mean, do I continue to act like we're just housemates and there's nothing going on in between us? Act like nothing at all happened and the kiss we shared the other morning didn't happen as well? Or do I suddenly act like his girlfriend?

I groaned loudly as I fell back on my bed, scratching my head. I didn't know what do to and that was annoying! I can't go down and see him without knowing what I'll be doing with myself.

Without torturing myself any further, I decided to text Leah because I was just frustrated and needed to talk to someone.

Kate was probably still with Henry and I didn't want to disturb them, so I decided I'll be checking up on her later.

Me : I'm panicking!

I typed as I sat up on my bed, biting my lip. A reply came over in seconds.

BestieyLee : what? Am you do realize that it's six in the morning and some of us have hungover? I have so much questions for you but I'm still sleeping!

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her reply.

Me : Last night I kissed Justin.

I bit my lip in anticipation but a minute went on without a reply. I sighed in disappointment as a I thought she probably went back to sleep but a notification popped up.

BestieyLee : OMFG Again!!!?????

Me : Yeah but we actually had a make out session and now I don't know how to act around him. I'm going out of my mind here!

BestieyLee : I'm so happy for you!!! Okay how was it? I want to know every single detail!

Me : It was amazing but I'm panicking right now! How do I act around him? I can't all of a sudden start acting like his girlfriend I mean like that would be weird right?

BestieyLee : Do you like him?

I stared at the screen in shock.

BestieyLee : Okay the fact that you're not replying means that you do.

Me : I don't know how to feel but...okay maybe a part of me has a teeny weeny crush on him.

BestieyLee : Teeny Weeny? You're practically going out of your mind thinking about how you're gonna act around him.

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