[81] Phonecall

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Justin and I end up getting some ice-cream when we leave the prison. He offered to take me there to make me feel better about the bitter experience I just had.

The now warm weather is perfect for ice cream and it can only get better with Justin next to me.

"I was thinking that we should go somewhere for this summer break." Justin says, instantly catching my attention.

"Really? Where?" I ask, eating more ice-cream.

"Like...another country."

My attention is lost on the ice cream and fixed to Justin. He can't be serious. I've never been out of the country before.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask, my eyes wide.

He chuckles "No I'm not. I'm very serious babe."

I'm about to reply but a voice calling my boyfriend's name interrupts me. I look to the source of the voice and see an unrecognizable girl now walking over to us with a smile.

"Justin, never thought I would see you again." She says, stopping in front of us.

"Oh yeah...Stephanie?" Justin says slowly.

I put my ice-cream on the table. The girl with bright blonde hair rolls her eyes before she looks from Justin to me.

"Hey, I'm Tiffany." She smiles, looking at me. Her friendly attitude warms me up to her just a little. I don't know who she is and I'm still curious on where she knows Justin from.

"Hi. Amara." I reply with an unsure tone. I look at Justin expectantly.

"Oh uhm yeah babe this is Tiffany, like she already said." He says, avoiding my eyes.

"Oh, you're Justin's girlfriend? I really didn't know he had one." She says, looking at me.

"It was nice seeing you again Tiffany but I'm actually on a private date with my girlfriend so if you would excuse us." Justin says in a dismissing tone.

When did this become a private date?

"Where did you guys meet before?" My jealousy is rising high.

"A pub, not so long ago." She replies and Justin tenses. A pub? How recent was this?

"Really?" I chuckle uncomfortably, looking from the girl to a worried Justin.

"Yeah. I even drove him to the hotel he lives in." What? What hotel? Justin never lived in a hotel, as far as I know. What did they even do at a damn hotel?

"Okay babe that's enough interrogation. You should probably go Tiff."


"Alright, see you whenever then. It was nice meeting you, Amara." She says before she walks away. My head turns to Justin once she's gone.

"When was it?" I ask.

He sighs "Please don't be mad."

I cross my arms.

"So there is something you're hiding." I try to stop myself from jumping to conclusions, but what did that girl mean when she said 'I didn't know you had a girlfriend'?

"Not really. It's just... that day you were in the hospital and I went somewhere for drinks, I met her there. I was too hammered to drive so she drove me and I led her to the hospital instead of home so I covered it by saying I lived on the hotel on the same street." He explains, looking to the floor.

"Is that it?"

He looks up "Yes. I would never ever be unfaithful to you, if that's what you were thinking. I love you." He actually looks hurt by saying that, making me feel guilty.

"I know that."

"Good. Please don't ever question it cakes. I'm yours only." He says and my heart melts just like this ice cream in front of me.

"I love you." I tell him and he smiles.

He crosses over and kisses me.


When we get home, Justin offers to run me a bubble bath that we actually ended up sharing.

It's the first time I've ever bathed with someone else, but it was a nice first time, which led on to something later in the room.

When I put my clothes on, my phone goes off. Justin is on the bed typing on his laptop.

"Hello?" I answer without checking the caller ID.

"Hi. Is this Amara Hart?" A male voice asks.

I quickly check the caller ID and it says unknown.

"Uhm...yes?" I say and Justin looks at me, I make a confused face. "And who is this?"

"I'm so happy to have finally reached you. My name is Reece Hart...Your cousin."

My mouth opens but no words come out.

"Yes. I'm Ben's son."

Son? Ben, my uncle, had a son?

"What's wrong?" Justin mouths.

"I...what?" My voice barely comes out.

"I understand that it's a surprise. My father left my mom and I before I was even born. We don't even live in America, my mom and I are from South Africa but we are in America at the moment due to news that my father, who has never met me, passed."

"Are you...is this.." I stutter, not seeming to be able to form words. So many things are running in my head at once.

"I was hoping to meet you Amara."

"M-me? Meet me?" I ask incredulously. I still can't wrap my head around what's happening right now.

"Yes. Please. I called you before but some guy answered, told me to not call again and then blocked my number. All I need is a chance to meet up with you."

"I...I'm not sure. This is all new, very shocking information." I manage to speak.

"I understand. Please at least think about it. You can get back to me through this number. Yeah?" He says, sounding hopeful.

I sigh, trying to calm myself down. "Okay...I'll get back to you soon." I say and he hangs up. I slide the cellphone from my ear slowly.

"Amara are you okay? Who was that?" Justin asks, now standing in front of me.

"He called before. He called before Justin. You answered and then blocked his number didn't you?" I accuse.

"Cakes I-"

"Don't you dare cakes me! Why would you do something like that and not tell me about it?" I yell at him and I clearly see the look of regret in his eyes but I choose to ignore it because I'm just so angry at him right now.

"I was protecting you." He says lowly.

"Protecting me!? Are you-" I exhale harshly "Are you damn kidding me Justin Hazard? Who is it that you were 'protecting' me from? The boy who'll never get to meet his father because you killed him?"

Justin, everything is silent after the words escaped my lips.

Justin steps back and it impacts me in the most hurtful way. I see his eyes becoming glossy and his lips are parted. I hate the way he is looking at me. He is looking at me like he can't recognise anymore.

"Justin I-"

"No, Amara." He puts his hand between us, stopping me from walking towards him.

"I was protecting you from anything that would remind you of the abuse you went through because you deserve to be happy. I didn't know that my actions to assure you of a better life would work against me instead. If I knew, I wouldn't have bothered to come save you the day you got kidnapped." 

My breath is caught in my throat and I can't seem to let it out yet. Justin looks at me emotionlessly one last time before turning his back on me...I soon hear the banging of the front door.

My tears can't fall anymore, I feel like I've got none left to shed. What remains is the deep, strong, constant pang in my chest that soon makes me feel hollow and empty.


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