[7]Why do you care?

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"I'm sorry for pouring my drink all over you. I wasn't looking." I apologized, hoping he'd just forgive and forget. But before doing that, he needed to get a heart.

"Why is your arm bleeding? It surely can't be because I was holding you," he questioned instead, ignoring my apology.

I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't.

"I...Why do you even care?" I asked, desperately wanting him to let it go.

"I don't."

I felt a pang in my chest...but of course he wouldn't care. Maybe in some kind of perfect universe Justin Hazard would care that some girl's arm was bleeding. And maybe in some perfect universe, I was hoping that this would be my escape from Ben. But how dumb did that sound? This world hated me enough to ensure I remained stuck with my abusive uncle for the rest of my life.

"Okay then just let this go. Forget it ever happened." I tried to walk away but Justin quickly walked faster and stopped in front of me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I already apologized. What do you want from me?"

"Do you really think that I'll let you go so easily after you basically insulted me and splattered coke all over me? I'm sorry if you don't get it yet but you've crossed the line."

"The coke thing was nothing but an accident."

"You still did it. Meaning you have to pay, somehow."

"Fine. What is it?" I asked, knowing there wouldn't be any point in trying to argue with him over it. What the hell did I get myself into? As if living with Ben wasn't bad enough.

"You'll know soon."

The cold winter air was hitting my face violently, but somehow calming me down a little. I saw myself walking past the library, never in a day did I leave the school without seeing Hanna. And I sure as hell want going to start today. So I turned back to the widely open double doors. As soon as I stepped in I was met by warmth and then I spotted Hanna reading a book and having tea. The library was empty and she was sat in the chair behind her desk. She smiled warmly when she saw me.

"Hey Hanna." I grinned, taking a seat opposite her. She closed the book after putting in a bookmark.

"Hi my darling," she soflty replied. Her voice warmed up my cold body, healing my sore wounds and giving me hope when I had none. Hanna was the closest person to me. She was like a living mother to me.

"Want something to warm you up? I know you like hot chocolate." She said, walking to the silver kettle to heat up some water. I then followed her and grabbed a cup before she could. I put in three spoons of hot chocolate and two spoons of sugar. I poured the boiling water and finally, cold milk. I sat down opposite Hanna and sipped my drink. The warmth soothed me physically. I thought the presence of Hanna soothed me emotionally.

"How was your day sweetheart?" She asked, taking her reading glasses off and placing them on the desk. After the incident where I was bleeding in the eyes of Justin, I had gone to the washroom and replaced the bloody bandage. I had a few in my bag, luckily. The blood on my hoodie wasn't really clear considering the hoodie was a dark color.

"Eventful." I sighed, knowing I had to explain everything to her now.

"What happened?" She asked which was much anticipated. And I swallowed, thinking of where to start. I then told her all about Justin Hazard - our first encounter with each other to the incident that occurred today. Her response was not shocking at all.

"That Justin boy is trouble Amara. He's been around here for detention a couple of times but never really finished the time for detention. I've also heard horrible stories about him in the office, every teacher complains about him, how he has no manners and the little to no respect he has for his teachers. That boy spells out trouble. And that's not where you fit in Amara. Your are a nice girl, so stay away from him."

She was right, but maybe Justin was misunderstood. Wouldn't anybody consider that at all?

"Thanks Hanna. I will try." I smiled at her. She returned the kind gesture and we continued talking about some other things that we always conversed about, until the time for me to leave hit the clock. I gazed at it feeling sad, I hated leaving Hanna because she was my only perfect escape. Being with her reminded me of my mom that I missed so much.

"I better get going." I said as I stood up. Hanna stood up too, looking extremely sad and scared for me. Regardless of the situation, it still made me smile how much she cared for me.

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