[77] Imperfect

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"So no welcome home party then?" I ask as we step into his apartment.

"Hell no." Justin answers and takes the teddy bear from me once we are in the kitchen and begins to walk to the living room, me following closely behind him.

"I'm so glad to have you back." He brings me to his chest once we lay on the sofa together.

"I never left you." I whisper and lift my head to see him smile.

"I was scared, more than I have ever been in my life that you were going to leave me forever. I was even more scared than that time you broke up with me and left the apartment." I almost cry at how momentarily broken he sounds.

"I would never leave you again Justin." I assure him.

He holds me against his chest tighter, my cheek is pressing hard against the zip of his jacket and it's a bit painful but I don't say anything, I just enjoy the feeling of being in his arms.

"I would never leave you too cakes, I love you a bit too much for that." I smile up at him again. At this moment, I'm realizing that Justin is not only my first love, but the only love I'll ever have in my life. I know I'm just seventeen and he's nineteen but that doesn't matter. What matters is the love that we share. Our love is so strong and sometimes I feel like it's even above our beings.

"So what do you wanna do babe?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"We can watch some movies or something, or tv shows." I answer after thinking about it.

"Okay I'll set everything up." He gently lifts me off himself before getting up from the sofa.

I wait for him and after a few minutes, he comes back with popcorn, sodas and a blanket before placing it across my lap.

"I'm not cold." I protest but he shakes his head.

"You're just from hospital, you need to relax as much as you can." He goes to find movies before holding up a few, asking me to choose.

"Divergent" I answer, that has been one of my favorite movies ever since the first time I watched it.

He makes a face and opens his mouth to say something. I watch in amusement as he shakes his head and closes his mouth before playing the movie. 

"Maybe I should be in hospital more so that you don't object to movies I choose." I joke but Justin tenses next to me. Bad joke then.

I pick up one popcorn and throw it to his forehead.

"I'm just joking." I laugh and soon he let's out a deep chuckle before pulling me closer to his body.

"You don't have to be in hospital babe, I'll let you pick a movie every time we watch one." He tells me as the movie starts.

We eat the popcorn from the same bowl in silence with the blanket now draped over the both of us.

In the middle of the movie, Justin laces our hands together and keeps on caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.


Justin yawns and stretches dramatically once the movie has ended. I laugh and throw a pillow at him.

"I don't like the way that movie ends." He states and I roll my eyes.

"You never like anything."

"Except you." He counters cheekily and gives me a side smile that has my heart racing.

I look from the window in the living room and see the sky an extremely beautiful combination of orange shades.

"It's a really beautiful sunset outside." I speak my mind and Justin looks at my line of vision.

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