[31] Invited

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"The sandwich is so much better without the lettuce in." Said Leah as she removed the lettuce and made a disgusted face as she did.

"You've could've bought something that doesn't have lettuce inside." I said and she shook her head, her blonde ponytail swaying from side to side.

"No I wanted the ham, I'm actually craving it for some weird reason." She replied as she took a bite of her lunch.

I looked over to Kate who seemed to be quiet for a while. She had on a blush stained to her cheeks, her cell phone was literally in her face as she typed away.

"I wonder who that is." I joked, sipping my juice.

"Do you even have to ask?" Leah said in a duh tone stretching her neck to peek on her texts.

"Oh my god what are you doing Leah?" Kate exclaimed as that blush stuck to her face causing her cheeks to resemble tomatoes.

"Is it Henry?" I asked knowing the answer to that already. Kate raised her head to look at me as if I had lost some brain cells or something.

"Duh of course it's Henry. Oh my god we've been talking the whole night, I barely got to sleep! He's just sooo perfect, he said I was the most beautiful girl he's ever talked to...I'm so flattered because I definitely feel the same way!!!"

Leah and I shared a look of concern as Kate finished rumbling.

She was putting so much emotions in whatever Henry and her had. He is a player and Kate was just falling for it so easily.

"Well...I thought you said you were the coach." I blurted out and Kate sighed.

"I know..and I am. I'm just enjoying myself...He's an incredible flirt plus he's hot as fuck."

"We just don't want you getting hurt in the end Kate... and something tells me that's what's gonna happen."Leah said exactly what I was thinking .

"I won't y'all need to just relax. Okay I know you care for me and you're worried I get it, but for once I'm actually feeling wanted even though it's something that probably won't last for long." She spoke as a hint of sadness flashed in her eyes before her bubbly smile appeared again. "On a more positive note, Henry just invite us to his party on Friday."

I was glad that she knew what she was getting herself into concerning Henry but I just didn't want her to get hurt because she looks like she's too far up in it already.

"Yayyyy!! I love parties I'm totally in!" Leah exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air. Some people turned their heads to us because of how loud she was.

"But Friday is tomorrow." I said and Kate nodded.

"Yeah I know, I can't wait. Imma make sure to wear something so sexy that Henry won't even notice anyone in his own party but me." She said and flicked her brown hair backwards in a sassy manner.

"So Am are you in?" She asked and I was hesitant at first but I didn't wanna be a party pooper.

"Yeah I don't wanna be alone while you guys party the night away."

"Yess! Hey you can bring Justin as well." My insides warmed up at the mere mention of Justin. I looked at Leah who suggested and shook my head as she frowned.

"He won't come. Like just imagine Justin Hazard at a high school party. Firstly, I've never seen him at one and he barely talks to anyone in the school. I mean do you see him anywhere right now?" They both looked around the cafeteria and Justin was not there. I was scared of even going to talk to him when we're in the school. The last time we were seen together, there were bunch of rumours going and now that it died down, I didn't want to start other ones.

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