[45] Happier

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It felt like the days were going so slow. I think that's probably because we're all anticipating Saturday, the day Leah finally turns eighteen. The dress Kate and I chose for Leah not so long ago is just so beautiful and probably the most elegant piece of clothing I've ever seen. It's crazy because she's such a perfectionist but won't know how her dress looks like until Friday night. I know that she'll like it but I can't be too sure.

Today was the day that Justin and I let our friends know about our new found relationship. Which was probably why I woke up this morning feeling happy. I felt so happy about myself which is something I hardly ever feel and I think it's waking up knowing that you belong to someone that cares about you as equally as you do. It made me feel all giddy and happy to be with Justin. Finally.

I placed my plate in the sink after having pancakes that Justin made for me this morning. I found it so cute and heartwarming when he took his precious time and energy just to make me food.

Justin was sitting on the stool and going through something on his phone. I walked closer to him and kissed his cheek in a swift move. His head immiditeately shot upwards and he showed me that perfect smile that always managed to bring butterflies to my stomach. Tucking his phone away, he got up and snuck his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His cologne hit my nostrils and I felt my knees turn to jelly.

"You ready to go to school love?" He asked in a soft voice, his eyes glistening from happiness and other emotions.

"You seem a little bit too happy today. It's kind of weird." I replied, disregarding his question.

He laughed for a moment before speaking "What do you mean?"

"Well what I can say is that you've changed a lot since I knew you. And I love the change because you seem happier." I didn't even know what I was saying because I was as good as lost in his green irises. My heart was pumping hard because of so much feelings I have for him.

"You make me happy, girlfriend."

My heart melted.

"I'm glad I do, boyfriend."


"You're honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me." Justin whispered in my ear and a smile reached my face. It was lunch time and I was with Justin. I actually came to get him from where he usually hangs out alone, far from literally everything and everyone in the school. I came to get him so that we can go to Kate and Leah and tell them about our newfound interest in each other and that we're in a relationship.

"I know, you're the best thing to ever happen to me as well." I replied as I leaned back in his chest.

"We should stop being cheesy love. My heart is currently melting."

Butterflies and warm tingling feelings erupted in my stomach and all I could do was blush. "Okay I think we need to go now." I stated while I got up. Justin pushed himself up from the bleacher that we were sitting on. He swung his bag over his shoulder and casually threw his arm around my shoulders as we started walking.

Once we reached the cafeteria, all eyes turned to us like we were some famous couple from a magazine. I ignored everyone's stares and whispers and started making way to Kate and Leah's table with Justin by my side. He just gave everyone a cold look, making some of them go back to minding their own business.

I was shocked to realize that Henry was sitting with them instead of sitting with his popular guy friends with girls on their laps. But it's not really surprising because him and Kate have a thing now so I guess he's allowed to sit with her. I don't really know what to call their 'thing' because I don't think Henry is looking for a girlfriend and nor do I think that Kate is looking for a boyfriend. Otherwise they wouldn't even be with each other.

"So you two finally showed up huh?" Leah asked with a knowing smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her, Justin beside me. He looked somewhat uncomfortable with being here and that got me worried. I know that he's always alone and away when it's lunch time and not really used to the cafeteria scene and socializing with people like everyone does in the school.

I placed a hand on his leg under the table to show that I'm with him and that he can do this. He looked up at me and gave a small smile before looking at Henry and nodding at him in some sort of boy greeting. Henry hesitated a little before greeting back, probably not used to Justin at all.

"So what's going on here?" Kate asked, eyeing Justin and I. I'm sure my face hinted crimson as I turned my head to look at the boy next to me.

"Well..." I started before turning to look at Kate "Justin and I are actually dating. He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday." I finished and I couldn't even describe how excited, shocked and happy their expressions were.

A lot of questions were suddenly thrown around. Questions that your best friends would ask you disregarding who's listening. But I would only like those questions to be asked when no one is listening, especially with Justin not next to me.

"Calm down jeez." I laughed and heard Justin chuckle lightly beside me.

"We just wanna know how you managed to get a hot guy wrapped around your little finger, you can't blame us for-"

I laughed, trying to hide my blushing face "He's not wrapped around my finger"

"Whatever. We are just happy that you two are together. Finally." Kate chirped as she smiled widely at us. "Now Justin is a part of our group, you two look super cute together, don't you think so Henry?" She asked looking at Henry. Almost choking on his drink, I laughed when he ran a hand through his hair, looking uncomfortable.

"Well...yeah." He replied awkwardly and that's when I noticed the look Kate was secretly giving him, not wanting anyone to notice including him.

It frightened me and at the same time excited me. She was definitely starting to catch feelings for Henry but I'm not sure if he can reciprocate the feelings. He's definitely not looking to have a girlfriend and be committed, well at least by the way he's behaving. If anything, he looks uncomfortable right now.

There are two ways I can handle this, talk to Kate about these feeling that she has for Henry and the possibility of a heartbreak, or I can just sit back and let fate take it's cause. Either way, I'd hate if she gets hurt.


AN :

Late update because school just started like three days ago and I've been quite busy lately. But I'll be updating as much as I can though so no big worries on that part.

I wasn't expecting this at all but The Opposite Of Good started obtaining so many readers lately and it came as a big surprise for me!!!!!

I actually LOVE you guys, every single reader, because this book wouldn't be having like more than 1,000 readers of it wasn't for you!! ♡

And everyone that's voting actually make me want to write more and more. So thank you biggie :)



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