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There was a loud buzz in the cafeteria when everyone was talking about how Justin called Mr Wilson an arsehole.

The topic was making me a little nervous because of my little encounter with Justin this very morning. I felt like I had dug my own grave when I spoke to him in that manner? Everybody knew never to mess with him. The last person who was in conflict with Justin Hazard was absent from school for a whole week. When he returned, he was walking with a crutch and had an arm sling on. To say that he was messed up would belittle his health state.

However, that was two years ago, when Justin earned himself this fearful image and reputation that I still didn’t understand. It was his first year in the school when he used to be every girl's dream because of his extremely good looks but now...nobody wants to be seen in his presence. His appearance just screamed out danger and you would feel the danger when he walked past you. The boy was bad news to say the very least. Justin Hazard has been arrested from school countless times before. He has been locked up for countless offences that always left the school’s jaws dropped. The list to his crimes was just never ending and it was was all these people in my school talked about. Given all of that, he had never spent more than a month in jail. He was that rich. Always found a way to remove himself from ugly situations.

It was sad to know that people who were rich became more benefited from people who weren’t even when they’ve committed the worst crime. I mean, if I was arrested for just shoplifting, I'd spend two to three years in jail. Period. But someone like Justin Hazard doesn't even spend more than a month in jail for everything he’s ever done.

“Earth to Amara!” A pink nailed hand snapped in my face and I looked up to realize that it was Leah. “Are you okay?” Kate asked and I nodded, giving a small smile for reassurance. She was more observant than one would like sometimes.

“Aren't you going to eat anything?” Leah questioned and I shrugged my shoulders. “No. I'm not really hungry.”

“Is this about what happened in English class?” Kate inquired as her eyes bored holes into mine.

“What happened in English class?” Leah questioned looking clueless. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest.

“N-no. It's not about that. I'm over it.” I slowly replied to Kate.

“What happened in English?” Leah repeated and Kate chuckled before explaining everything to Leah. Her mouth turned into an o shape as she looked at me like I just did the dumbest thing ever.  “You told Justin Hazard that he's fat?” She asked before leaning closer to me “Do you have a death wish?”

“Well I didn't put it that way though and it wasn't the intention at all.” I knew that I was in danger. No one insulted Justin and got away with it. Hell, no one even spoke to Justin at all.

“We should protect you from now onwards. That boy is unpredictable, he might kill you Amara. You don't even know what he's planning in his evil mind against you right now as we speak.” Kate spoke in a panicked tone and I laughed. Really laughed.  I did not know what all of this was. Everyone expected me to be shaking in my boots just because I said one little think to him. So what if I spoke back to him? He was not some kind of a god.

“Kill me?” I pointed to my chest. “He's crazy Amara! God knows what he's planning for you right now.” Leah repeated and I frowned.

A part of me knew that maybe I did mess up. BIG TIME.


I stepped into the house, taking soft steps at a time. I didn't want my uncle finding me anywhere. I looked at the staircase that was about six feet away from me and I continued tip toeing, not wanting to alert him that I was now home. By this time, my heart was pounding hard against my chest, scared that he would find me. Scared of what he was going to do to me. I was taking two steps at a time, which turned out to be a little difficult because I was afraid of falling. However my fear of being caught by him quickly overwhelmed my fear of falling. I found myself going faster.

I was almost upstairs when I heard him calling my name, the all too familiar angry tone lining his voice.

I froze on the spot, knowing I had nowhere to go.

If I ran towards my room, he'd easily catch up on me... so I slowly turned around and came face to face with the monster himself. “Amara. Sweet Amara. How lovely it is to see you this lovely afternoon.” He spoke with a fake soft voice. His real voice was harsh, demanding, threatening, loud, hell it was obnoxious and always managed to send shivers down my spine. “What do you want?” The words escaped my mouth, knowing exactly what he would do.

My uncle started walking up the stairs, coming closer and closer to me with each step he took. I suddenly feared for myself and involuntarily, my tears started falling down my cheeks. “Why are you crying? Don't cry, it really pains to see you cry.” He mocked as his hand took a swing towards my face. I automatically covered my head with my arms.


Just as I had expected, a fist connected with the side of my head, it's hard contact made me fall to the ground immediately. Pain shot in my head, a headache on it's way.

“Ben...please” my voice was filled with sadness and hurt and plead that would not do anything but dissolve in the air.

“Don't say that, get up now.” He said,  grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me from the ground with it. My vision was blurry from my tears. “Come with me” he dragged me towards his room. I yelled out loud and kicked my legs in the air, knowing exactly what he wanted to do with me.

“HELP!” I yelled and struggled in his grip when he opened the door to his bedroom, shutting it again behind him. “Ben... Ben.. Please. Don't do this.” I pleaded as he threw me to the floor harshly. My side ached from the contact.
“Shut up! Seriously!” He grabbed me by my hair, pulling me up. I screamed a pained scream and he laughed wickedly.

He loved seeing me in pain. He loved seeing me beg for him to stop. He loved seeing me miserable under him. Always fearing him like he was a superior. He loved to hit me until I got unconscious and he loved seeing me completely defenseless against him. Little girl closed with fear, with sadness, with hurt, with grief.

“Shut up Amara. For the freaking last time!” He shouted threateningly. I sobbed, pressing my palms together in front of me to plead to him.

He then raised his hand and smacked me across the face. My cheek burned in pain from his brutal slap.

He threw me back on top of his bed and started unbuckling his belt. My voice got stuck in my throat when it hit me, he was going to do it again. He was going to hurt me in that way again. I jumped off the bed, looking for anything I could use as a weapon against him but before I knew it, Ben pressed me against the wall. He forcefully unbuttoned my jeans and I screamed, hoping that someone out there would hear my sorrow. My cries. I tried, I tried stopping him. Kicking, slapping and pushing him away from me.

But Ben put his hand on my mouth, muffling all my screams. His other hand fidgeting with my pants. I found myself desperate to escape the situation. “Amara, damn! Don't make this difficult baby.” He uttered. My screams for help were muffled. I was struggling against his grip. He was large and I was just a tiny body compared to his.

I felt him pulling down my underwear and I tried so much to free myself from the wicked monster in front of me. My plead was thrown out of the window as my uncle abused me in whichever way he pleased.

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