January 27, 2018

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Riley is about to visit me this day and we are off to the park. I missed Riley. Now, I can tell her the strange dreams I had. She would doubt a little but she would agree. As I wait in Riley, this morning, I wore my headphones as I rest on the couch. Dad was watching his usual favorite news and mom prepares to meet with Aunt Helen, the mom of Riley. They had a small business selling cupcakes and cookies in front of the church. Aunt Helen is a single mother due to Uncle Tommy's early passing because of cancer. Not sure what kind of cancer it is but something in the stomach.

I remember visiting the hospital and seeing him coping with pain and mom hugging Aunt Helen crying in the corner. I don't feel anything in that scene but compassion. I feel bad for them. That is the first time I called God. The first time I saw sickness.

Lord, if you are listening, please let Uncle Tommy's pain go away. I cannot see my aunt and my cousin cry again. Thank you, Lord!

After the death of my uncle, supporting two kids, Aunt Helen asked my mom if they could go sell cupcakes for extra income. My mother agreed to go but only on her free day, Saturday.

So, every Saturday, my cousin Riley visits me and Tim, my three year old cousin, at our house here in Los Angeles. When Tim quietly sleeps, I asked my dad to look after him for a while and I take the first step out of the door to the park.

I asked Riley, "Is it hard for you to take care of Tim while your mom's away?"

"I sometimes wish that daddy was not dead so we could bond together with Tim. So sad, Tim does not recognize daddy's face. But surely, I would remind him of daddy." Riley breathed deeply as she tried not to cry in answering my question. "That is why you are so lucky Janice! Uncle Joseph is there to love you and be with you every day." She added with a giggle.

"Of course, Riley. I am sorry for Uncle Tommy. I know he is a good dad. Like daddy." I put my arms in her shoulders for comfort.

Riley wiped a tear and pulled me. "Ow, what was that for?" I exclaimed.

"Catch me if you can!" Riley started running.

I know Riley is such a positive girl. She is three years older than me. She was at my age when Aunt Helen gave birth to Tim. And oh yeah, this year she is turning seventeen while I turn fourteen. Time flies so fast. I will miss the teenage girl I play tag when she debuts on her 18th.

God, I wish that Riley will still be the same like how I knew her. Someone positive, sweet and carefree.

As I put my headphones, I heard God.

God: How's the day playing tag with Riley?

Me: She is great, Lord. Fun to be with and very positive. Thank you for giving me a great family.

As I smile above, a sudden light passed my face. It was the moon.

"How lovely." I thought.

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now