January 23, 2018,

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Today was not my usual quiet morning. As I got up in bed, I can see my mom and my dad arguing. Okay it's not my usual happy morning. Wait let me check them out.

I opened my door widely and when mom saw me she ran into me and gave me a hug. Dad watches us and got his coat from the couch. "I'll go my way now, honey. Take care of your mom." He said to me.

I tried to ask Dad about what was happening but he walks too fast. I could not even catch him.

"Mom, I saw you were arguing with dad." I told her.

"No, it was just some sort of uhh misunderstanding." She replied with gentle smile.

I did not really believe her in the first place so I ran to the bathroom. Why are they arguing? I tried to ask God but there was no answer.

This night, Riley visited for dinner and as we talk privately on my room, I told her what happened. "Riley, I saw mom and dad fight. Mom shouts and dad shouts louder." Suddenly, mom went inside the room and said something to Riley. Riley went out.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jan!" she said.

So, mom just sent her away. I was shocked. She was the only one I could tell my thoughts and feelings. I insisted to mom that I wanted to talk to Riley but she refused. "I need to talk to you Jan! Listen!"

I turn my back and put my headphones on. I saw mom talking but of course I didn't pay attention. She grabbed my headphones and threw it on the floor. She screamed after.

What is that?!!

I ran downstairs to dad. Dad, when he saw me shouted back at mom. I told dad to stop and he let me sat on the couch. Mom too.

They just told me that it was all a misunderstanding between them. Well, to sum it all. I just don't understand it was my first time to see them argue and they try to defend it to me like it was just a scene from mom's favorite drama series. I don't get dad as well. Why can't they just listen to each other first before they open their mouth. But at least they can.

I picked my headphones from the floor and I put it on.

Then, I heard God.

God: Janice!

Me: Yes, Lord?

God: I have something to show you.

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now