February 9, 2018

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Burning the midnight oil, I finished the essay yesterday or should I say a while ago. Anyway, I held the paper in front of me as mom tapped my shoulder. "Here's your milk, honey. If you are done, go to sleep now."

She stared at my paper and slided it towards her. "May I read this?"

"Sure, mom. But please do not judge me yet. I still have a lot to learn."

"Of course I know that. Mom knows that her girl still needs to learn." she smiled as she read through the line.

Realizing that she is really reading line to line, I pushed my myself to bed and sleep.

That's what happened before the sun rises.

But today, Lord.. I got an A in my essay. "You did well, Janice!" Mrs. Kelly approached me after class. "Good for you, you have seen a change in an instant."

Yeah. It is an instant. I did not expect that a guy would come back just to say sorry. I told my teacher that I was blessed to see this because not all people would speak up and apologize after they learned the truth.

"Yeah. Some people would still believe in lies even though their eyes were opened." Mrs. Kelly smirked.

I once have encountered such person. But since I cannot hear what he says, I do not know the whole story. I only base my interpretation from what I see. That is kind of hard but I have no choice but to live with it.

Kyla approached me too and she wrote on a paper. "I bet you got an A, Janice!" I just laughed. I wrote on the same paper. "Well, thank you, Kyla!"

While waiting for mom, I sat on the same bench. I saw the soccer team. I do not want to look for him but my eyes were not following my brain. I didn't see him.

Then someone stood beside me. It was my mom.

As I sat on the couch, I asked mom about dad. "When is he coming back?"

She didn't look at me but replied, "I really don't know."

I wondered. Really? Didn't mom ask before he left? "Did you ask him?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, but he didn't tell me the exact days. Only for a while, that is what he said."

Ihope that he could come back soon. I really miss him.

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now