March 6, 2018

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Mom was not around when I woke up so I made my own breakfast. What do I have? Three eggs and two slices of bread. There was a box of fresh milk in the refrigerator and half a stick of butter. I do not have to wait for her. I'll get this done.

I made a buttered toast for myself and a glass of warm milk. Watching the latest news, I gulped through the glass as the milk touched my upper lip. A few minutes later, there was a girl who was lost and was now found according to the police. I was not that shocked when I saw my picture flashed on the screen. Gosh! Mom made me appear in tv. Now, I'm shy into going back to school. What would they say to me? I ran away?

Mom came home with cheeseburgers and hot chocolate. "Up early?" mom said while preparing the meal. "Mom! Did you report me to the police? Oh gosh what would they say when I get back to school?" I said in calm voice. "Of course, I get worried, Janice!" she laughed.

Mom was now frank about some things with me. "I just called the police last night."

I went straight to the bathroom and as I open the hot water shower knob, I think of everything that may happen. Will we get through this? Will I get through this? To be honest, I feel weird. I feel like I do not want to go to school today. I'm getting lazy. My bed is so much better than getting up.


Me: Good morning, God.

God: Good morning, Janice! How's your sleep?

Me: I slept fine and I think I'm lazy to go back to school.

God: Is something wrong?

Me: Uhm no Lord. I mean none. I'm good.

God: Your mom wants to protect you. Don't hold grudges.

Me: God, do you think they missed me?

God: Of course. Everyone would be happy to see you back.

Me: Yes, but, I don't know. I think that I would not be welcomed back the way I expect.

I heard no response but after a few seconds, I felt God whisper, "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing."

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now