March 8, 2018

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As I gaze upon the morning sun, my new alarm clock stopped. I was excited to go to school. "Janice, good timing you are awake! Your favorite meal is on the table!"

Wow! Pies with mango smoothie!

"Are you ready for your—let's suppose first day?"

"Of course, mom! They have messaged me welcome!"

Mom halted in brushing off her shoes for a minute.


"Hmm let's go?" She smiled as she walked towards the door. Hmmm. Is something wrong with her?

Me: Good morning, Lord!

God: Good morning, Janice! You look so good!

Me: Yes, thank you Lord! I'm ready to be back at school!

It was a nice ride until I noticed we are not going to the direction I was used to. "Mom are we going to the right place?" I asked staring at her. Mom did not look at me but she nodded.

I don't think this is the right way to my school. I have not seen the usual traffic lights in the intersection a few blocks from there. I asked again. "Mom? Are you sure?" Mom did not reply and maybe I was just used to the usual. Maybe she just wants to get out of the traffic.

I was wrong!!

We are not in my school! We are in Smart Advance Academy and Tutorials? What?

I stared at mom while we enter the lobby. "Mom, why are we here?" I whisper.

"I just think you are not yet ready to go to school yet so I wanted you to catch up with the rest of the lessons that you missed. I already have paid you for this day and tomorrow's session. Be good." Mom kissed my cheek as I look at some of the kids playing a soccer ball. A tall man approached me.

"Excuse me, are you Janice?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, I am." I nodded.

"Mrs. Melbourne told me that you are having a difficult time in your old school so we—

"Wait, what?! Old school?" I thought as I look at him with squinty eyes.

--thought that you might like it better here." He smiled.

I don't understand what did he mean but I still got my guts to ask, "It's nice of you but if it's okay, can I ask what am I doing here?"

He looked at me for three seconds. Yes, It's awkward. "Oh I, I am sorry because my mom did not explain to me very well." I was faking my laugh.

"It's better if Mrs. Melbourne would explain. What I can say is that she enrolled you here because she thinks that you are having a hard time in your old school. By the way, I'm John, your teacher." He held out his hand but it took me a lot of seconds to shake his hand. And I need more minutes to digest everything he said.

I liked him as a teacher in Algebra but I am still looking for Mrs. Kelly's teaching style. Mr. John is like my teacher in Math but I feel I need time to adjust on his learning style. Why am I writing this instead of answering the exercises he gave me? Anyway, I'm in a break.

Questions both in Algebra and my life are left unanswered in my head. Maybe mom has to say something about what Mr. John is telling me. I don't understand but I want to understand. Am I in this school for good?

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now