March 31, 2018

53 6 0

Riley visited me again. She was the same bubbly cousin. "Hey, girl!" Riley said. "Let's go to the new ice cream store near here."

Finally, I need a time out. A time out from the world.

"Sure." I said. "But you have to pay for mine."

"No problem, cousin!" Riley laughed.

While Aunt Helen and mom was talking, we jumped into Riley's scooter and drove to the ice cream store.

"What flavor do you want?" the ice cream man asked.

"One rocky road and one uhm what is the one you like?" Riley asked me.

"Vanilla? Yeah. Vanilla!" I replied.

I may be too plain in choosing the flavor of my ice cream. You may think?

"Look. I have something to tell you, Janice." Riley jumping up and down. "I passed my exams! Thank you Lord!"

Wow. Good for her. Good for my aunt as well.

"I'm so proud of you, Riley." I grinned. "But don't you wish to make it better next time?"


"I mean try making it higher. Like an A!"

"I am trying. But first, I'm trying for a B!"

Anyway, she really is like that. I pray that she will strive harder and not just be contended to a pass. Aunt Helen and Riley sometimes fight about Riley's grades because my aunt wanted her to get a scholarship. She is trying hard I guess but again, her efforts are just not enough.

Speaking of efforts, dad just got accepted to a new job. His efforts paid off after applying jobs and jobs and jobs online. He did not clearly state what particular job is it but we thanked God. I am happy for him.

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now