April 28, 2018

43 5 0

Aunt Helen and mom went to their usual sweet cakes business day as I went skateboarding with Riley. I am not that good in balancing. I remember my first bike ride when I was six, dad rushed to help me get up from crashing the bike to our neighbor's yard. Our neighbor was very angry at that time because he had just finished mowing the grass. Dad quickly apologized as he asks if he could help us. Our neighbor gave me a bandage but told me to never dare again enter his grassy yard. It was twice the trauma. I never wanted to ride a bike again and I never wanted to see or neighbor again.

"Janice! What are you doing?" Riley called. "Take a picture of me!"

She roams around the park with her skateboard and I, her cousin, was her usual photographer.

"Make sure when I post that photo, I could get a hundred likes." Riley giggled. I rolled my eyes. She made me study the basics of photography on her iPhone.

I was bored in sitting around and watching her do stunts until I decided to go get a drink. It is a warm morning after all. "Sure, just make sure you come back quickly." She said.

Entering the nearest 7-Eleven is great. I could feel the fresh air of the air conditioner. My thirsty tongue craves for a cool iced tea so no thinking twice. I grabbed two iced tea bottles and rushed to the counter. I quenched my thirst while walking back and I saw Riley waiting for her drink. Gosh! She really expected me to buy her. Good thing I bought her one.

"How are you, Janice?" she asked as soon after she opened her bottle.

"What do you mean how am I?" I laughed.

"Mom said you are struggling with a kind of mental disorder." Riley said.

"You're late with the news, cus. I am already fine." I told her.

"Nice. So, you can take more pictures of me?" she laughed.

"You know, if you weren't my cousin, maybe I asked for a few dollars." I said sarcastically.

Riley laughed and grabbed the phone from my hand. She raised it in front of me as I look at her, drinking my iced tea. It was soon enough I realized, she was taking pictures of me. Gosh, that girl!

"You know, I wanted my pretty cousin to be on my phone too." Riley laughed. I sighed.

"Give me that!" I was referring to the empty bottle. "I will throw them away." I walked towards the trash can as I slipped because of a banana peel. I sighed. What is this day?

I wiped my scratched knee with my shirt as Riley helped me back up. I am really clumsy since my childhood. "Better sit in the bench first." Riley said. "I'll get some Band-Aids." I nodded, watching her cross the street. A car fast approaching was about to hit her. No! "Riley!!!" I shouted all my might as I ran to protect her.

"What?!" Riley asked me with her eyebrows crossed.

I sighed. Oh Lord, thank you!

"Are you okay?" Riley asked.

"Where am I? What-?" I placed my hand on my forehead.

Looking around, we were at the same park. I was on the bench and Riley told me that I was staring at the cars the whole time when she was asking me if I am alright. "Did you? I mean, did I?"

"Yes, you were. I am like talking to a mannequin." She said. "Better sit in the bench first!"

That shocked me. "I'll get some Band-Aids." That shocked me more!

"No!" I shouted. She looked at me surprised. "I mean, I think we have band-Aids at home."

"Do you want to go home?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Please."

So, a while ago was scary. Thank you that we got home safely. I was really shaking when she repeated what she said. Is my cars anxiety problem happening again? I hope not.

Before I sleep, I pray that nothing happens to Riley or to anyone in my family.

Conversations with God (Book 1 of With God Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now