Chapter 30: The Beginning

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"Oh? Ano pa ba, Ver? Let's tell mom about this!"

"Not now, Fi."

"Then when? Kung kailan huli na ang lahat? Damn it, Ver! Alam mong bulag tayo sa tunay na pangyayari! We need mom's help"

I know. But this is our problem. We need to solve it on our own. We will ask their help but not now, we can take care of this. Kung may bagay na kailangan naming alamin then we'll ask them.

"Ver! Ano ba!"

"Stop it, Fi! Don't ---"

"Blah blah blah! He!" she then stomp her feet. "Okay sige, ganito. Gagawin ko lahat ng gusto mo kapag nasabi mo sa akin kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng seal na ito."

She place the black envelop with the unknown seal in front of me. This envelop was given by Mitch before. The seal is like an emblem like ours but different. I haven't seen this emblem yet, or not?

"Oh ano? Hindi mo alam? Edi sasa---"



I picked up the envelop and stare at the seal. A skull behind the 'S' and a circle around it. The skull's eyes was like a small gem. Where did I see this ---

"The letter..." I mumbled.

"What? What about the letter?"

I stand up and get my phone, ignoring my twin. If I remember it right, this letter, someone gave me a letter like this. I dialed mom's number and waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Hey, Ver. What about the letter? And what letter?"

Answer it, mom. I need to clarify.

"Stop ignoring me, twin!"

After five rings she answered.

"Yes, sport?"

"Dad, where's mom?" I ask.

"You're talking to dad? Let me talk to him too, Ver!"

"She's in the shower. Why? You need something?"

"Ver. I wanna talk to him too!"

"Quiet, Fi."

"Eeeeeh~" she whinned.

I heard dad chuckle. I frown.

"Your twin is really a headache, eh?"

I sigh. "Yes, dad."

He laugh again. "Oh well, she's a Shin, that's why."

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