Chapter 2: Going back home

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Part 1: Jab Koi Baath Bigad Jaaye (When something goes wrong)

Chapter 2: Going Back Home.

'Raghav, come here for a moment?' I turned on hearing on my best friend and manager Ryan's voice.

'What?' I asked, looking at him eyeing something behind me. 'Yulu Records is here.' he said, grinning. Ryan has always been one of those guys who don't express quite openly. He's more of a suppress and repress till I burst out people. So, seeing his grin, I knew it had to be true!

'What?!' I asked, excited. 'Yeah. Now look, if you're thinking of signing a deal with them, you have to consider agreeing to all of their terms and conditions.' he said, looking concerned.

'Yeah? What's new about that? We do that with every record company!' I said, taking a sip of champagne from my glass. 'I know. But Yulu Records is known for its bizarre conditions that it imposes on all its artists. So, please pay attention when we're talking to them, okay?' he said, and I nodded.

'Excuse me, you're uh... Raghav Kapoor?' A foreign voice said, and I braced myself.

Okay, no big deal. They're just your favorite record company and they've come to give you a record deal.

Just smile and listen. I turned, smiling. And immediately found my smile drop. The woman in front of me was looking at me with a frown and her extensively long nose just accentuated her expression. A perfect representative of 'Look down your nose.'

Her hair was cut into a short bob dyed white with a single black streak, reminding me of Cruela De Vil, one of the Disney Villains I was most afraid of. She could not be more than 40, and yet, I felt she must have been 100 years older than me. They say experience speaks ages. And hers definitely did, oh yes, it spoke ages clear and loud.

She looked really stern and I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my neck. 'Yes. Yes I am. and you are...?' I asked, to which she replied 'Kimi Reynolds from Yulu Records.'

'Of course, it's an honour to meet you ma'am!' I said, smiling at her in genuine awe.

She was the founder of the company's new division which had been started just a few years back and had signed only 10 popstars since the time it had been founded, moulding them into music gods all over the world! I had worshipped this woman and her talent all my life. Her division was the most successful and popular one out of all the record divisions at Yulu.

I expected her to say 'Nice to meet you too' but what she said scared me.

'I wish I could say the same.' she said, raising an eyebrow explicitly at the glass of champagne in my hand. I felt my breath choke in my throat. I let out a breezy laugh (or I hope it sounded like that) and subtly signalled to Ryan to come help me out.

'You see, Mr. K, we don't encourage our musicians to indulge in distractions : alcohol, drugs, cigars and anything of the sort. Girls. Though you must know that already?' she said, in a disapproving manner. I gulped nervously.

'I don't encourage any of that too! I mean I'm only drinking this cause... Cause... ' I stumbled on my lie, looking at Ryan with a 'HELP ME!!!!' expression.

'Cause it's a success party of his recent album!! Have you listened to it? Great, isn't it? He worked his hardest on this album! Can you believe he's just 17? Most other kids struggle with school work, and he struggles with his life work. Great, isn't it?' he offered hastily, and I gave him a grateful look. He simply nodded, though sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

'Not really. There wasn't any soul in any of the tracks, if you ask me. And saying whatever you said about most kids definitely isn't something to boast about. Those kids work harder than you, or anyone in the industry, Mr.K They definitely know what they're doing too.' she said, her expression blank.

It was like a slap in the face. I think my legs were shaking by then already. Being torn down like that... Well I'd never been through anything like that before.

'But, I saw talent and a need to prove yourself! That, Mr. K, is something that impresses me.' she said, her face showing a slight smile. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

'So I have a proposition for you: you're still seventeen, yes?' she asked, eyeing me up and down. I nodded bleakly, not knowing (or liking) where this conversation was heading.

'Okay, so you'll go back to wherever you came from and study for a year. Take up music if you want to, cause it will help you for your degree level. And for a year, I don't want to hear any controversies, any mishaps. No drugs, no cigars, no alcohol. No girls.' she said, giving me a smirk.

I turned a bit red upon hearing the word 'mishap'. She was referring to last month's great controversy, where I'd stumbled out of a party, totally smashed, with a girl and she'd robbed me blind and left me naked (upto the waist) on the streets for the paparazzi to find.

The worst day of my life.

'After all that, I'll let you perform on stage once, with a partner if you'd like it, and if I feel impressed, then you my dear boy have got yourself a life long contract with Yulu Records.' she said, holding out her hand.

I looked at Ryan to see what he was feeling about this whole ordeal. He nodded slightly and I moved to shake her hand.

She shook my hand once, her grip firm and tight. I gave her a dazzling smile, and she shook her head.

'That kind of smile doesn't work on me boy. And if I hear about any distractions, any at all... ' there was a warning in her tone, one that I feared. I nodded hurriedly. 'You may accompany him.' she said, nodding at Ryan who gave her a blank look and said, 'Huh?'

'To school. God I hope you guys learn something.'

And just like that she was waltzing away towards the exit. I turned to look at Ryan, his face impassive and blank.

'What? You did want me to agree right?' I said, feeling slightly annoyed.

'No. I wanted you to disagree! That's why I shook my head!' he said, definitely annoyed.

'No! You nodded your head!' I said, pointing my finger at him. 'I shook my head Raghav. It's time you got your eyes checked.' he said, glaring.

I must have imagined that he nodded his head. Shit. 'What do we do?' I asked, looking at him nervously.

'Pack your bags. We are going back home. To school. With those stupid school going kids.' he said, smirking coldly.

Shit just got real.



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