Chapter 23: Maybe He's.... jealous?

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Part 3: Kacchi hawa Kaccha dhuaa, ghul raha. Kaccha sa dil, lamhein naye chun raha (Raw breeze and Raw smoke dissolve in each other. The Raw, young, inexperienced Hearts choose new experiences).

Chapter 23: Maybe he's... Jealous? 

'Of course I don't hate you! I could never hate you!' Karthik was telling some girl as I stopped next to him. I rolled my eyes, looking at his melodrama. 'You don't? Oh Karthik! You are the best!' The girl lunged at him, her hands clutching him in a desperate embrace, and I stifled a laugh.

Karthik saw me looking, a panicky expression on his face. 'what shall I do?' He mouthed. 'Kiss the girl.' I did an impression of that song from The Little Mermaid, and Karthik flipped me the finger. I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away, snickering. Poor Karthik. He never knew how to flirt or talk to girls.

He talks to you and Vismaara.
Yeah, cause we are the 'guys!' to him.

I shook my head and walked on, my mind drifting here and there. When had my life become so exciting? Just 4 months back, I was a girl with a broke Netflix account, a single best friend, and a sitcom obsession. And now... My Netflix was being funded, my best friend was no longer single, and I honestly had no time left for sitcoms.

Everything was changing too fast.

And I hated it.

I have always hated change.

I hated the change that came in my family when mom and dad split up.

I hated the change that took over Vismaara when we both got over the awkward puberty stage and she no longer liked playing cricket or watching horror movies or action movies with me... Because she felt the boys would not pay attention to her, if she did all those things.

I hated the change that occurred in my surroundings, once Raghav and Ryan barged in, uncontrolled and without my permission.

But honestly, would I be happy without those two morons in my dull little life?

My thoughts had clouded my mind and I was no longer looking where I was going. I collided with a hard chest and jumped back, rubbing my nose which had started to ache painfully. I looked up to see Raghav grinning at me. 'Hello there.' he said. I nodded in acknowledgement, still rubbing my nose.

'Lost in the thoughts of your... Boyfriend?' His tone was weird and his grin now looked forced. I gave him a look and said 'No.' Now that I think of it... Shaurya hadn't even officially asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Strange.

'Akshara look, and don't take this in a wrong way... But Shaurya is not good for you.' Raghav said, a sparkle lighting up in his eyes. I felt a spark of rage run through me.

'I didn't ask you for your opinion.' I said, glaring lightly. Raghav shook his head defiantly. 'I know you didn't! But listen to me! He's not of a good sort!' Raghav said, determination seeping into his fingers.

I began to walk away, books clutched in my hands, to my chest. Raghav placed a hand on my shoulder and gently pulled me back. I raised a brow at him. 'Let. Go. Of. Me.' I said, in a serious tone.

He stepped away, hands in the air. 'Listen to me, Akshara he's using you!' he said, his voice getting louder. 'You have no right to tell me about who I can or cannot date!' I snapped, feeling the rage running through my blood.

'Weren't you using me as well?!?!  To get to my best friend?! I am not listening to you!' I said, glaring at him. He looked surprised for a moment and then opened his mouth to retaliate.

I turned around and walked away, holding my head high.

'He's using you you know!' Raghav yelled, and everyone in the hallway turned to look at us.

I ignored him, rolling my eyes.

'Don't be a Bitch Akshara! Listen to what I'm saying!' he kept yelling. People were starting to whisper and sneer at me.

I bent my head low and continued walking as if it didn't bother me.

It bothered me more than it should have.

'This feels sooo good!' I groaned in delight as I leaned against my pillow, Vismaara next to me, my laptop on my lap. We were watching 'Wizards of Waverly place'. Honestly, Disney channel shows are the best thing in the world!

'It's been so long since we relaxed like this!' Vismaara agreed, pulling the bed sheet closer to herself. 'Too long! In fact, I was thinking just today morning that maybe we'd never even get to watch like this again... Seeing that you're -' I stopped mid-sentence. 

Shit. I shouldn't have said that.

Vismaara raised an eyebrow at me. 'Seeing that I'm what?' she asked. 'Ugh... Please don't take this the wrong way.... Seeing that you're committed with your boyfriend... And you never have time for me anymore... ' I said, biting my lip.

Vismaara remained silent for a few minutes. Panic rose in my throat. Shit!

'Maara forget I even said that! You're giving me lots of time...even with having a boyfriend so don't worry about it? Let's just watch!!' I rambled, the words tumbling out of my mouth. Vismaara gave me a look to shut up.

'Akshy, you're right.' she said, letting out a defeated sigh. 'Huh?' I asked. 'You're right... I haven't been able to spend time with you ever since I got together with Ryan... Forgive me... Please?' she looked at me with hooded eyes. I was out of words for a minute.

'Uhhh... Okay?' it came out more like a question than a statement. Vismaara laughed and pulled me in for a hug, ruffling my hair slightly. 'Sisters before misters, remember?' she said, and I laughed in agreement.

We were midway through season one when Vismaara gasped. I paused the video and turned to look at her. 'What?'

'Dude? What happened in the hallway today?'

'Ugh stupid Raghav just being his nasty self. He was telling me Shaurya is not good and crap like that. Ugh.' I made a face, seeing which she laughed and then frowned. 'Why, why do you ask?'

'Cause Akshara, you've gone trending on our school website! Everyone's speaking about you!' she said, and my eyes widened. She showed me her phone and yes indeed, there was a trending hashtag #OutwithAkshara

I gulped nervously. Dammit, what is people's problem?!? 

'Wait... Why was Raghav talking to you like that? I thought you guys were friends?' Maara asked, though there was a sly look on her face.

I snorted slightly.  'Friends?! Ew no.' I said, and Maara smirked.

'What? Are you saying him speaking about Shaurya like that was acceptable?!' I asked, incredulously.

'Of course not! But I think I know why he acts that way!' Vismaara was full on grinning now, an excited look in her eyes.

Oh no. That look always brought trouble.

'yeah? Why?' I asked, dreading the answer.

'Maybe because... Maybe... He's jealous?' Vismaara said, in a low tone.

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