Chapter 19: Travel plans and Proms

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Part 2: Chahe tum kuch naa kaho, maine sun liya (when you don't say anything, I will have heard it already).

Chapter 19: Travel Plans and Proms.

'Hey let's all go for a trip someday,to somewhere fun.' I suggested, and as usual no one listened because they were busy arguing about some stupid shit.

'Arey no! See Siana said something about an apple, but Sameer thought it's a pear... And that's why that night we had only mulberry pie.' Ryan said. I rolled my eyes. Next to me, Shaurya was shaking his head. Raghav was sitting across us, strangely silent.

He had been like this since a week. He never spoke to me or Shaurya properly. Stupid boys.

'Hey, Shaurya. What do you think? Should we go on a trip sometime? All... 9 of us?' I asked, doing quick mental calculation.

Shaurya raised an eyebrow, '9? What makes us 9?' he asked. 'Me, you, Maara, Ryan, Raghav, Karthik, Sameer, Akshay and Alisha.' I said. Shaurya nodded in understanding. 'I'd rather like it if it was only the two of us.' he winked at me, smirking slightly.

'Oh shush.' I said, feeling a set of butterflies erupt in my stomach. It was funny, how much he affected me. I had never felt so giddy and hyperactive around Akshay when we were going out, but Shaurya? Whoo. Whole new level of butterflies.

'Hey, if these guys don't listen, maybe we will have to do that only!' I said, winking at him, to which he grinned widely. 'Hey guys!!! Akshara wants all of us to go on a trip together!' Raghav called out in a loud tone.

I gave him a grateful look. He just looked away. I felt a pang of hurt, but got no time to dwell on it because the class speaker crackled to life. I looked at it in anger. Finally people were going to listen to my idea, but the stupid speaker took away that opportunity. Damn, I hope that thing rusts very soon.

'Good morning students!' my principal's overly excited voice made me groan. The man had too much of free time and always sounded wayyyyyy too excited and optimistic.

I can't imagine being like that. Must be very exhausting. 'As you all know, this year the outgoing batch of students is having a prom instead of farewell.' he announced and I groaned, to which Shaurya chuckled.

I flipped him the finger and listened to the principal again. 'This suggestion was by Ms. Siana and you have to thank her for that.' I turned to throw invisible daggers at her and hoped they would somehow kill her.

Proms meant nothing to me, except a night of stupid people doing stupid things, and then spending lots of money for a dress which they would never ever wear again in their whole lives. Then there was the whole drama of who's going with who, and who's going alone... Ugh, too much work if you ask me.

Of course for me, any work is too much work.

'We'll be hosting the prom in the month of December, that is 20 days from now. You'll be writing your annual exams in the last week of January, and then you'll be graduating...' his voice turned emotional and I cringed internally.

Please don't start crying. Please don't start crying.

Thankfully, some god must have heard my prayers because he just sniffed and went on. I tuned out after that. Because I had already decided what I'd do on the night of the time. I'd stay home and watch three seasons of FRIENDS continuosly. Nothing could ever change my mind.

Like I said, too much of work. As the speaker went dead, an excited chatter went up around me. I was busy minding my own business when someone pushed me out of my chair.

As I landed on my butt, I looked up to see a bunch of girls browsed around the spot where I'd been sitting just a moment ago. I got up, spitting out so many curses that I would make any woman blush.

'Shaurya!!!! Go with me to prom!!!' they all were screaming. I felt sick. It was like they had no self respect at all. 'Stupid isn't it?' I turned on hearing Raghav's amused voice. He was grinning at the sight, and I sighed in defeat.

'You wanna go hangout at your place? Ditch school?' he asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. 'Do I ever!' I said with so much excitement that he grinned and shook his head. 

'Damn I missed this.' I said, sighing softly as I started playing a movie. Raghav nodded, his hand clutching the popcorn bucket. 'So, are you going to go to prom?' he asked.

I turned and saw that he was looking at the laptop screen. 'Probably not.' I muttered. He turned to look at me, a weird look on his face. 'Why not?' he asked. 

'Too much of work. Besides who would take me?' I laughed.

'There are many waiting, trust me.'

He was looking at me intensely. There was slight hesitation in his face. My arms started to feel tingly.

'Haha yeah right.' I forced myself to speak and break eye contact and turned towards the laptop screen again. I let out a breath slightly.

I must be watching too much of rom-com nowadays. That's why I start thinking every guy that speaks to me is interested.

As the movie progressed, I felt my eyelids start to droop. I fought against them to keep my eyes open. But they kept drooping, until I felt myself slip in darkness.

When I woke up, I found a bedsheet draped over me. My laptop was turned off and placed next to me. My mom must have done all this. Raghav must have gone home.

Suddenly my phone started to ring and I jumped up in surprise. 'Hey Akshara!' it was Raghav.


'You better come quick!'

'What? Why? What happened?'

'Well.... We're going for a trip!'

I think I squealed in joy.

Hey everyone! How was the update???

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What do you think of Shaurya?

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Love ya my lovelies!

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