Chapter 34: Prior to the Valentine's day drama

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Part 4: Naa hai yeh paana, naa khona bhi hai (I don't want this, I don't want to lose this either.)

Chapter 34: Prior to the Valentine's day drama.


It was February already. The chilly breeze was part of the reason of why I wanted to sleep always. The other part? Because I, my dear friends, was a sleepaholic. Oh yes. Sleeping was all I wanted to do anymore. Morning? Sleep. Afternoon? Sleep. Evening? sleep. Night? SLEEP. It was like I was some sort of a human version of a bear, because I was sure that one of these days I would go into hibernation.

The last, tiny part of why I always wanted to stay in bed, was so that I could avoid people. As in, mom, dad, Jai...people in general y'know? After that fateful day in December, when my parents had dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki aka Jai and Me, I had told them that I needed time. I needed time to let all this sink in. I needed time to get used to the idea, that we weren't going to be Akshara, Jai and mum and dad anymore. I was still hurting, and it usually escaped from me in the form of snarky comments and snide remarks and talking back to either of my parents whenever they spoke to me.

I would see the hurt on their faces, and for a second it would hurt me, before I'd shut them out and storm away into my room, curl up in my bed, and stare at my ceiling all day long. The only thing keeping me sane, was the presence of my brother, and my boyfriend. (Woah, there's a sentence you never imagined you'll say in your life eh?)

Speaking of boyfriend, Raghav would usually accompany me everywhere. Bookstores, music stores, clubs, bars, bowling centers, etc. And I was very grateful for his presence. I had always thought he was kind of immature, and egoistic. He was, but his maturity and his calmness in every situation drew me in. He was a pro at handling emergency situations. He didn't let anything get to him. I was happy with him, but I kept him at a distance too. Never know when people can walk out on you. I wasn't paranoid like that before, but I have to thank my parents for making me like that now.

He knew that, and he respected my wishes. Our songwriting was going on marvelously, cause I had a new found source for inspiration : grief, hatred and pain. He hated that all my songs were usually depressing nowadays, but I told him to shut it cause that was all I could come up with and if he needed me to write happy, upbeat songs then he'd better do something to make me happy.

And being the sappy git that he is, he'd bend over and shut up my complaining, by capturing my mouth in a kiss. And I (being that hopeless romantic that I am) would kiss him back resulting in a make out session. Least to say, it was kind of a win-win, and I was in a not so great but still great paradise.

However, Vismaara and Ryan were having a lot of problems in their paradise. They seemed to be fighting more and more, with each passing day. And ultimately, it all accumulated to what I will henceforth and always refer to as the Valentine's Day Drama.

It all started on the afternoon of February 12th. Vismaara and I had gone shoe shopping (NOT HEELS MIND YOU, but converse shoes, cause mine were battered). The boys insisted on coming with us. Raghav wanted to come, so that he could do the whole 'IT FITS!' Cinderella thing. Also, about that: he was weirdly obsessed with Cinderella. He kept making weird jokes about that, and I usually let them slide. But this time, I let him have it. It would be pretty nice to have him act as if he was some kind of a prince Charming and let him put the shoes on my feet. So I agreed to let him come with us.

Vismaara, however, was hell bent upon not taking Ryan with us. Which was a shame really, because after I'd started dating Raghav, Ryan and I kinda became besties too. He was my boyfriend's bestfriend, and even though he was annoying, he was kinda nice. We hung out a lot more than we usually used to, and I found out a lot about him, like how he was actually American-Indian, and how he had once walked in on his parents 'doing it'. I had shuddered at that, and thrown my milkshake away cause:

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