Chapter 11:Shifty Behaviour and Lyrics

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Part 2: Chahe tum kuch naa kaho, maine sun liya. (When you don't say anything, I will have heard it already)

Chapter 11: Shifty behavior and Lyrics

'So that is what happened in the long time between yesterday and today... And now he wants me to do all those conditional stuff for him.' I finished, my mom and dad glaring at me slightly.

'didn't I tell you that website was going to ruin your life?' my dad asked. Oh god. Here starts the lecture. 'Anyway, since he wants to hangout with you, I'm guessing he also will want to watch that website along with you... So... I have no other choice except to renew your account.' my dad said, exhaling loudly. I stood frozen to my spot. 'Wait, you're actually going to let him have what he wants?!' I said. My dad nodded.

'B.. but I thought you'd refuse!!! Please refuse!!' I said, incredulously. My dad shook his head. 'I can't Akshara. He said he will sue us... And I can't exactly afford 3 crores can I?' dad asked me, his tone frosty. I nodded.

Ugh. What a pickle I've got myself into.

'When is he coming by?' mom asked, getting up. 'He must be here in another 10 minutes.' I said, looking at my Mickey Mouse watch. She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, probably to cook something for him I guess. Dad turned away from me, his tensed shoulders clearly conveying how uncomfortable he was with the idea of me spending time with Raghav and also his annoyance that he couldn't do anything except oblige. I get you dad. I feel the same.

The doorbell rang and a shiver crept up my spine. Shit, has ten minutes passed by so quickly?! I rushed to the door and took a long breath before opening it. However, I was met with the sight of Vismaara grinning at me. 'Maara!!! What are you doing here???' I asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her in.

'I'm here to protect you from the devil of course.' she said, grinning. I hugged her immediately, my heart lifting at the thought that I wouldn't have to be alone with him.

'Thank you so much ya! You're the best!' I said, and I pulled back, grinning. 'You won't believe how pleased dad will be when he finds out you'll keep me company!' I said, pulling her towards the hall.

'Dad! Look who came to keep me company!' dad turned, his eyebrows raised. When he saw Vismaara he let out an audible sigh of relief. 'Thank god.  Hi Vismaara! How are your studies going on?' he asked, smiling at her. Vismaara mock glared at my dad. 'Uncle!! Did you have to ask that?!' she groaned.

'It's his duty as a father to remind you of studies every second of every minute every day!' my mom's voice floated from the kitchen. 'True aunty!' Vismaara shouted, and I heard my mom chuckle. 'Okay then you both go upstairs, I'll send the idiot upstairs when he comes. Okay?' dad asked, and we both nodded.

I ran up the stairs, with Vismaara following me. 'Hey, why are you so dressed up, Akshy?' she asked.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing a Mickey Mouse hoodie with leggings and my hair was pulled up into a bun. 'I'm not dressed up.' I said, shaking my head. Vismaara gave me a sly smile. 'You like him!' she said. 'No I don't!' I said, annoyed.

'Yes you do!!!'

'No I don't!!'



'Just shut up and accept it already that you like him!!'

'Akshara likes someone? Who?' we both froze as a guy's voice sounded. Speak of the devil.

It was Raghav. He was grinning at us from the bottom of the stairs. I gave a warning glance to Vismaara and she smirked again. I kicked her on the ankle and she let out a howl. I shook my head at her again. 'Better keep your mouth shut if you want to live Maara.' I said, in a low tone as Raghav came and stood in front of us.

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