Chapter 25: Keep telling yourself that!

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Part 3: Kacchi hawa Kaccha dhuaa, ghul raha. Kaccha sa dil lamhein naye chun raha (Raw breeze and Raw smoke dissolve in each other. The Raw, young, inexperienced Hearts choose new experiences).

Chapter 25: Keep telling that to yourself

'Urgh, look at them slobbering all over each other like animals.' I said, glaring at the back of Raghav and his bitch. God she got on my nerves so bad.

'Actually, I think they're kissing quite naturally.' Vismaara said, and I gave her a sideways glare. 'There is a natural way of kissing?' I snapped. Vismaara turned red.

'Yes. You have the French way, the Arabic way, the Indian way... And of course the universal way of natural kissing.' she said, and I was forced to turn away and face her.


If she still couldn't make out that I was implying for her to shut up, she was really dense.

'Yeah! I'll give you the link to the webazine from where I read about it! Wait I'm forwarding it to you!' she looked so excited about it, I felt like slitting my throat and lying there in the hallway, bleeding.

'Maara. Later.' I snapped, and I banged my locker close in irritation. I cast one final glance in Raghav's way and walked away, a bit hurt that he didn't look at me even once. Guess the contract expired.

I sat down in music class and opened my lyric book. It's been so many days since I wrote new lyrics. I uncapped my fountain pen and turned to a new page.

'it's been so long,
Since we last connected.
You're like a fading song,
Now fading away.

I have forgotten what you sound like,
I have forgotten your voice.
I can't remember when you last took to the mike,
I can't hear your music above this noise.

It's like you're slipping away,
Into the void of nothingness.
There will come a day,
When you won't exist for me.

So let me hold on to your memories,
They're all I have left now.
Let me hold on to your memories,
Don't let go now.' I let out a deep breath as I finished. My vision had gone all blurry.

Was I... Crying?

The chair next to me moved, and I hastily snapped my book shut and swiped a hand across my eyes. 'Writing lyrics I see?' I nodded slightly, not wanting to face Raghav.

'Without me?' he asked. I looked up to see him smirking at me, with a hesitating look in his eye. I nodded again and was saved from any further conversation, as my professor entered.

'Can we please shift to some other table? Please, baby?' Kiara was whining once again. I stabbed my sandwich with my fork, so brutally that it tore. Cursing myself, I placed my fork down and tried (in vain) to attach the sandwich bits again.

'No honey. All my friends are here, I can't desert them.' Raghav said, for what seemed like the 100th time in 10 minutes.

'Hey Akshy.' I let out a sigh of relief as Shaurya sat down next to me, sneaking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I snuggled closer to him, feeling much more relaxed and happy. 'I missed you.' I cooed, putting my arms around him.

'I missed you too!' he said, and I marveled at how warm and comfy he was, like a teddy bear. I looked up into Raghav's face, his dazzling smile blinding me temporarily and leaned in to kiss him.

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