Chapter 35: The Valentine's Day Drama

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Part 4: Naa hai yeh paana, Naa khona bhi hai. (I don't want this, I don't want to lose this either)

Chapter 35: The Valentine's Day Drama


The worst thing about seeing your best friend cry, is the fact that you can't help but feel whether you are slightly responsible for it as well. There is always the fact that you would have made a small contribution to that pent up anger and frustration, and knowing that you made that small contribution eats you up. And it was with that guilt eating me up, that I stormed into school on the morning of Valentine's day. I was determined to talk to Ryan and find out what his bloody problem was, and make my guilt easy and also help Vismaara. Even though my intentions were sincere, my actions were going to be far from good. 

The school was decorated in pink, red and white. Red streamers were hung up everywhere, and a few pink roses were stuck on the walls. As I walked along the corridor, I noticed that one particular locker had a huge crowd in front of it. My feet skidded to stop as I realized whose locker it was. Raghav's. I pushed through the crowd, to see that the locker was decorated with flowers, and somebody had spray painted "He's mine"  . Least to say, my mood wasn't improved. As people noticed me, they began to whisper. I caught a few of the whispers.

"Wow, she really knows how to claim her territory."

"Possessive much?"

"Man I wish I had a girl like that, being all clingy and possessive of me."  the last comment had come from some guy. I whipped around, my fist connecting with his jaw. He howled in pain, his eyes glaring daggers at me. "I am NOT clingy. And I am not possessive. Moreover, I did NOT do that!" I yelled, into the deathly silence, as everyone watched me. Once again whispers broke out. I was about to yell some very nice words, when I realized that the whispers were not about me. 

The crowd broke apart and the man himself entered. His eyes widened, as he took in the sight of his locker. Then they landed on me. He arched an eyebrow, and I shook my head. "It wasn't you then?" he asked, and I stomped him on his foot. "Ow!" He yelled, glaring at me. "What was that for?!" "For thinking for even a second that I would do something so cheap!" I snarled, making his face fall. Then I noticed the people around us, watching with excitement. "Don't you all have classes to get to?!" I yelled, and that seemed to do the trick, because they began to disperse. Once they were all gone, I turned to face Raghav, only to find him standing a mere centimeter away from me. "What are you doing?" I whispered, fighting back a smile. "Wishing my girlfriend a happy valentine's day!" He said happily, bending forward. I leaned forward, leaning on my toes so I could kiss him. I was however disappointed, cause he kissed my forehead and stepped back, smiling warmly at me. 

I made a face at him. "Why didn't you kiss me? You don't like me anymore?" I asked, hoping to guilt-trip him. It worked, because a look of panic crossed his face. "No, not because of that. My mom always told me that kisses on the forehead were more meaningful than those on the lips." He said. I gave him a confused glance. "Why?" I asked, a bit curious. 

"Because, my innocent little girl, kisses on the forehead are closer to your brain and they release the happy hormones much more easily." He explained. I laughed, shaking my head. "Really?" 

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